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Holy Reality's thoughts on Erikson's Intimacy v Isolation crisis.

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I think it makes you cool to be an "evil druggy loser dipshit" because society kind of thinks you suck, especialy when you do it as a youngin... so it's like the ultimate badass thing to be like "Man i got fucked up last night!" and then you get high fived.


And it makes you feel superior to all the whiny stuck up bitches that hate drugs and have sex with Bibles.... so...


I like to think of cigs an example... cigs suck... I think... I don't want to find out... but at any rate, it was also "cool" to hear of people smoking during school, right? I never really thought smoking was cool, but that they had the audacity to do it at school and brag about it, it's like, well, hey, that in a certain light makes you cool, becuase you are going against the establishment and being a reckless criminal.


I think part of the reason kids go so gung ho when they do party is bcause they are tasting a forbidden fruit.


Well okay, I KNOW... but anyway...


Drugs and alcohol have been important parts of all societies since the beginning of time, it's just now that we have turned our back on the ways of the past and tried in a vain attempt at becoming standardized consumers to be "responsible" and well, to shun away spirituality, and trade it in for prescribed roles that we rarely question.


Think about it, you go to school to be a business men, they teach kids in yuppy schols to wear suits and be prfoessional and how important promotions are and all that bullshit.


Back in the day it was you went to "school" to be a blacksmith.. but at any rate, the American standard of living is work until you die, dont' be a lazy drug smoking hippy.


If you are bsuy working your ass off you don't have time to question, you don't have much time to worship, you are a CEO exectuive whore, and you are proud of it, work is your drug.


So...... you're right, we have anti druggies and pro druggies, that's about it. You can be a pro druggy without using, just for the sake of endorsing civil rights and freedom of choice and sensible prison sentencing.


But.... you know, you either hate drug users, or you hate anti-drug users (the righteous preachy kind), there isn't much middle ground.


And due to the systematic shunning and prohibition of our substances, we force normally good people to resort to all time lows, they get into the criminal mindset, they have to hide form the cops n their houses just to smoke a J... they have to deal with sometimes seedy chracters to get their fixes, it pulls them down into a stigma where society says "YOU are not normal, YOU are a CRIMINAL" and you get all these hateful comments directed at your kind, and all these bullshit propoganda against you, and so you start associating with your kind more, associating with setereotypes more


you become, in order to not feel alienated, a burned out pothead that is lazy and doesn't do jack shit, or you become a drug dealer, a gangsta.....


There is a middle ground, there are always successful corporate whores who smoke the herb, maybe even drop some acid, but they are rich and powerful enough to get away with it... the common man has a hard time trying to be a "normal" member of society when society says FUCK YOU BUDDY, WE HATE YOU, YOU DESERVE TO GET RAPED UP THE ASS IN PRISON FOR SMOKING THE HERB....






What have I said? I'm not sure... but what I'm implying is stereotypes and hatred and intoelrance of drugs as well as draconian prohibition has created an alienated and unnescesarrily overexggerated "clique" of drug users... people that in a more loving and caring society could be free to lead normal lives and never feel a need to delve into crime and harder drugs... but through association with peers in order to feel accepted, since society doesn't accept them, they go through harder routes they might not have normally gone.


If we were open about drugs and responsibilty kids wouldn't go insane the second they get their hands on liquor, they'd be like so fucking what, i can get this shit whenever I want, and they'd develop a responsiblity to it, or end up dead or with severe brain damage.


I mean you tell a kid not to do something, you lecture him, stigmatize him, about it, when he gets a chance to do it, he'll not only do it, he'll do it to the extreme, whereas if you were open with him and understanding and told him about repsonsibility, and it was okay to experiment a little bit, b ut he needs to be careful about what he does and research it before hand, well, he probably won't wind up with a DUI, or dead.


You know?


I think so...... college kids older than 21 don't drink nearly as heavily as those under 21, all have access to booze EXCEPT ME, so...... that says something... it isn't that age matures, because I mean, 16 year olds are shitty drivers, 18 year olds not so much, it's just that it's a learning curve of exploration first of all, and the illegal nature makes you want to do it more second of all.


All material © 2004 by me.