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History of TE Weekly BB Team

Prior to 1997 (1992/3) : The main initiators or organizers were Mitchell Trinh and Donna Distant, with R.Rameash being our 'main supplier' of cold drink.


Special mention by popular demand : KH Chan who strongly recommended the Bishan basketball court, due to his laziness to go all the way to Serangoon North......Pleasantly, it turned up to be his credit as the Bishan basketball court at the end of St. 24 is probably one of the best court for us, as there are plenty of car park space next to the court. The team has been playing at the Bishan court since 1997 and KH 

Chan has also been one of the most regular players since then, with his quote "By default, sure PLAY !

We, a team of amateur players, continue to play basketball games almost every Thursday until now.

The objective for the team is none other than sweat out after a tired day of work, burn away excess calories (keep slim lah...) and of course keep fit and healthy.

With that in mind, the team members have been very 'On the ball' by participating in the game every week, whenever possible.

To keep the tradition going, the team elects a new and fresh chairman every year trying to keep everyone together and encourage one another to participate the game every Thursday.

It has been very encouraging that some of the ex-colleagues still join the games every Thursday.

KM Tan....


     Chairman 2003

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