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Hey everyone....this is my webpage. My name is Suncana. I go to Holy Cross Secondary School. I am 16 years old and just finished grade 10.Im about 5'6 well 5'5 and 3/4***I hope im gettin to the 5'6** but in my mind im 6' I have dirty blond hair and blue eyes....but ive been told that you cant notice that my eyes are blue because i wear so much make-up...o well what cna you do...Im Bosnian...I mean geez....dont pick on me Im in all....awww

I play many of them being cheerleading...(and yes it can be called a sport..Kallie n Amanda agree...right) If any of you know know that I used to be really really...and i mean really...anti-cheerleading....but Im comin around. This year I am cheering on the school team and on the All-Star Athletics team. I love all the girls from teh As becasue theyre all so nice and even thought I didnt really get to know you that well Im still convinced your all great girls. The Raiders cheerleaing team is also great and has some great girls even though I havnt really gotten to know everyone yet....becasue Im new on the team but Im sure well have a great year.

I am also on the rugby team. I luv my rugby girls...they are the greatest ever. I LOVED this season and am lookin forward to many more;) if you know what I mean. Our rugby team did awsome this year and got to SOSSA this year and they were just barely;);)(makin it sound good) beaten by Lakeshore Catholic. YOU girls did an awsome job at SOSSA and even though I couldnt go(technical difficulties w/ the family..all of yall know what I mean) I still had soooo much fun and a great seasin....and I dont watn you girls to be mad at me about the cheerleaing thing...Ill still be back to kick ass as scrum-half in the next season....youll see. HAHAHAHAH Missys gone next season (tear) I get to play scrum-half when shes not there Teeno. And we lost some players but were so gonna kick ass next year...grrr everyone ready...make noises it sounds Amy.
