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 666 devil
Yet another 2 years have passed since people thaught we stopped from existing. Many ex-clan members decided to go to other clans and many people didnt like 666. Many people thaught 666 clan would die and will never return back to the community. We were just waiting for the right moment for return. We were, are, will allways be a great clan with exceptional players. We are now recruiting for the clan, and only the best players would be allowed to 666 clan. We dont accept noobs. also a small notice for all the people who supported 666. Among them are a few players we would like to thank are : Skeletor, Venom, Kez and many other players who contributed well. We thank you for your loyalty and hope for ur strength in times to come. The clan is up and working, server ready and site/forum will be improved a lot. We are back!!!
Posted on Monday 14-8-2006

The 666 SDF Clsn is a freeze tag clan for Quake 3 online gaming. We have just formed and already have made our mark on some of the server's, soon we will take over all Server's.

Okay all members please communicate through the forum provided and also make sure you have all clan members email's and also make sure you have a copy of msn messenger okay ! I will Update the download section very soon. We would also like to ask quake players who want to join our clan to report in forum that they want a tryout. You will be selected for a server, date and time...


Posted on Saturday 14-8-2006

Please note this web site is still under construction, so please bare with me as im the only web designer.

:: Site Design/PHP/HTML by [666]: devil: