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Message Board
Crib Pics
Crib's AIM Chat
Clubber's Guide
Contact Me
Crib's G-Book
Crib's Links

Wassup Yall... Glad You Made It!!!! Take Your Shoes Off And Kick Back... Cuz yall just made it to The Crib!!! "The Most Exciting And Interesting Site On The Web"** ---Your Webmaster, DJ Kleen
Mission Statement:
The Crib is mainly geared towards those in tha bay area who love and enjoy music, whether it be Hip-Hop, House, Trance, or whatever else that makes ya dance. This site, as in the diverse people in tha bay, also reflects the different aspects of bay area culture. In 2002, we hope to expand our site to cover a wide range of topics and cultures that reflect on the entertainment scene of the bay area. So on that note, lets just all chill at The Crib.
--- Your Webmaster, DJ Kleen

Wassup of the Day: 4/23/02
Wassup Yall?!! Dang...finally getting this website back up and running :) It's been awhile since I've gotten a chance to redesign my site. Can you believe it? Since freakin' the early part of 2001, I haven't had a chance to update this site. Had too many things going on (eg: Djaying, school, work, feelin' tha single life back again... ect. ect.). Hopefully, this site will have a totally new make over for the 2002. Just want to give a shout out to my homies Luck-dog (always giving it to tha people), Tone-Loc (came through with tha phrase "It's not where ya from, it's how ya come" which this site is based on), Noise aka Sketch (cause sometimes you don't really know with this guy), Longster aka Extreme (don't stand to close while you talk to this guy...he might bust a wheelee on your face), Linh aka PIMP-DADDY (where tha hell do you get those girls from dog?), Phong aka Davis Man (one day I'm gonna pop 3 E pills in his mouth and see him trip out), all the girls (sorry, too many of you to name, but you know who you are)---dang..that made me sound like a pimp...haha, and to the rest that I didn't mention, I DIDN'T FORGET BOUT YALL!!! It was just because me hands were just too dayam cold to type anymore... So to the rest of the fam, I know yall gettin' down and dirty for the 2002! Stay up and ONE. ---Oh... One more thing....I need to give a holla to my homie driving a white integra with no side mirror... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! DON'T EVER LET ME CATCH YOU ON THA ROAD DRIVING WHILE I'M DRIVING! SHOOT!
P.s-LAKERS are gonna take it all tha way... too bad KOBE BRYANT SUCKS BIZZALLS!!! HAHA... Take that, Hong! J/K!!! Don't beat me up! LMAO
Last Updated: 4/23/02
Howdy-Doody!!! Well, I'm finally gettin' this make over done for the website, fresh for the 2002. Look for new pics to replace all old ones... new Crib sections to be added and the club section to go up. The message board and AIM chat room is up and running! Check it out and drop me a line and let me know what you would like to see here at The Crib. Sorry so many of the links off the home-page is broken. I am in the process of doing make-overs for all the pages, so come back and peep it out if you didn't get a chance to this time around. As my homie Luck-dogg says, "This shiet here is for the people". Aight then, thats it for now, so peace and one---DJ Kleen, Your Webmaster
The Crib's Internet Search
The Crib's Internet Service
The Crib's Message Board
Go to Message Board
Post a message at The Crib's Message Board! Say what you want, leave a message, tag up a line, or just speak you mind. Its all good. 3 rooms to blow your mind.
**Living Room**
**Music Arena**
**The 4 Elements of Hip-Hop**
The Crib's Pics Area
Click here 2 go 2 the pics
Pics, Pics, Pics!!! And wait... there's something else I'm forgetting---- oh, more Pics!
The Crib's AIM Chat
Click On AIM Icon To Enter Aim Chat
The Crib And AIM has done it again and teamed up to bring you the most exciting chatroom on the internet! Plugged in and ready for 2002---
***The Crib's AIM Chatroom***
Click on AIM ICON to enter
The Crib's Clubber's Guide
Click here 2 go 2 the Clubber's Guide
Here you can find out the haps on tha latest club scene and which party you'll be poppin your collar next at! Always count on The Crib to plug you with tha latest info and dates.
Want To Contact The Webmaster?
Click On Pic To Contact The Webmaster
If you need to contact the Webmaster, for info or booking for gigs/parties or anything else... don't hesitate to hit me up.
The Crib's Guest Book
Click On Pic To Hit Up The G-Book
Tag up the The Crib's G-Book while you're here. Let us know that you came and kicked it for a minute.
The Crib's Links
Click On Pic For The Crib's Links and Webrings
You can always count on The Crib to find you sick ass websites on the web and dope ass webrings to join. WARNING: Some of these websites are bad for your health... SO ENJOY!

Your Webmaster is DJ Kleen... Thought You Knew!!!
Representin' San Jose, Nor. California
Need to contact me or give me a holla???
DJ Kleen
Or at Brainchild
Catch me online at my AIM screename--deejaykleen408
Or at my Yahoo Messenger screename--djkleen408

The Crib and all associated to The Crib is Copyrighted 2002
The Crib is best viewed at 1280x1024
You're the

person to kick it here at The Crib!
Thanks For Visiting and One Love!!!