Madchild Bio

Quick Facts

The Story

Madchild went to San Fran to start up his hip hop career, because at the time, Vancouver wasn't much of a center for hip hop. He got a job at a hip hop store, and eventually was allowed to sleep on the floor in the store (because at the time he was homeless). After some time, Madchild moved from that job, and worked both as a pizza delivery boy and at a position at the Extra Large store on Haight St. (famous hippie loitering area). At the time, Madchild was recording and performing where ever he could. His name started to leak out to listeners.

Madchild stayed close with management with The Bomb Hip hop shop, and appeared on their cd, on the track "Pregnant", with Q-bert. Soon after this big step, he released a 7", produced by Tommy Guararro. After these two large moves, his name and reputation was beginning to make waves across the hip hop community. He hooked up with Del the Funkee Homosapien, and the two decided to do work together in the future (and they did - in the track ). All of these moves helped Madchild create the foundations of what would be the hip hop crew Swollen Members.

As i said above, during a vacation up to Vancouver to see his family, he ran into Prevail, and discovered that Prevail's intellect and use of complexities within his vocabulary and rhymes was the perfect combonation for Madchild's dark imageries (and thick vocabulary as well). The two soon discovered that there was more of a chance for the two to become known if they hooked up. The opportunity was there. The two hooked up.

In 1996, the two travelled down to San Diego, for a B Boy summit. They made moves, and hooked up with various big names in the underground hip hop community. Also in 1996, He founded Battleaxe Records, and the rest, you can probably guess.