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Stankonia High The Never Ending Stank-O-Story

Stankonia High

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Watch So Fresh So Clean

Stankonia High Radio

Here is the faculty so far. e-mail me if you have any suggestions.

The First Stankonia High story will be written very soon so, sign my guest book or send me an email and the story will be sent to you via email.So i will be calling on Outkast fans to help me run this by giving me ideas and what not.| With your help,this will be one of the the greatest Outkast site on the interslice. -A"Z"H|
Adam Z Higgins
why? you might ask . well in the song Tough Guy , Andre 3000 sings "when they ask what school do you attend say stankonia high" so i figured i will create this there is a serious lack of Outkast websites on the internet.

