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Real Name:
Nick names:
"Coco" "Coke's", "Sister" & many more that my auntie's call me.
Single but dedicated to the Lord
5' 2" so I believe
Born and Raised:
Honolulu, HI
August 21, 1981
Eye Color:
Dark Brown
Hair Color:
Right now its redish brown with blond chunk highlights and the underneath of my hair is blond. But it'll probably change in about 3months.
Filipino, Chinese, and Spanish
Singing, dancing, doing hair and make-up, talking, traveling, making people laugh, smile and have a good time
I have a fighting fish named "fishy"
" it takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. But it takes a life time to forget someone." " Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and it ends with a tear " and, "Smile Jesus loves you"
1 Corinthians 13:3-7 and 13, Romans chapter 4 and 8
"I dunno", "shoots cuz", " I cock eye manook ", "hello", "thank you Jesus", and "Praise the Lord."
I would like to praise and thank God for helping me endure through all of my trials, for helping me climb every mountain, and for His unfailing, unconditional, awesome, endless love, comfort, and discipline.
Thank you to my loving and prayerful family, for who with out loving, praying and fasting for me, I would still be lost in my "own world."
The Chosen Generation: Aunty Virginia, thank you for your encouragement and prayers for our generation, Xania, Janel, and Sara, thank you for the laughs, and for being there for me. Also, for just listening to me blab about things that goes on in my life even though sometimes not interesting you guys make like it is :oP, (the boys) Michael, Paul Alan, Mark, and Burt, thank you for the laughs and the late night cruises. The rest of you in "T.C.G." sorry if I forgot to mention your name, but I thank you for your prayers and love!
Lyn, Lance, and Alex, Thank you for the friendship that will be never ending, even though you guys are far away, I'll never forget the fun memories that we all shared. Miss you guys. Ryze, thank you for your love, prayers, and encouragement. Even though you are at Vegas, I am happy to see that God is using you and working through you. Keep it up! Vivia, you are a true friend, thank you for all that you have done! "Chocolate milk for life ":oP.
Aunty Karen, Uncle Pepe, Uncle Randy, Aunty Sharie, Aunty Helen, and Josie, thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It really helped us pull through. "Uncle manong apo tata brahdah cuz," thank you so much for being there for us and for the many blessings that you have blessed us with! You the bestes. But of course after me…. Nah just jokin'.
To the Pareyo and Paraya bros (Derick and Mark) Ho' wahsup? Nah, thank you for taking the time to dance for us mentol people. And thanks for letting us kick it at your "crib". Eh' Mark, Bring it on brah, you know wassup…. hehehe!
To NTC, Uncle Ernest, Marissa and Keith, Isaiah, Brittany, Hillary and Dannica-thank you much for your love, prayers, encouragements, and blessings. Also for opening your house to me when I come to visit. I love you guys.
Abundance: Jez, "brudder tits" we go way back. Thank you for being there for me, for TRYING hard to make me laugh when I seemed down or not my self, and thank you for bringing me home after practices. Luis, "looshung" or should I stick with "Epidemic"? Anyway mister, thank you for being my shopping buddy and for understanding me when no one else seemed to understand * hello * nah, it's all good, and thanks for every thing else! Jane, manang Tebang * hehehehe * (inside joke), thank you for listing to my problems even though sometimes it seems you not listening * hehehe *, thank you! It helped me a lot! Cause sometimes we just need someone to let every thing out to with out getting any advice back, know what I mean? And to May, my "sister" thank you for seeing me as someone that you can trust and confide in and for being one that I can confide and trust as well. Who would have thought that we would have been close . I didn't, but I thank God for you cause we "mental allure ladies, and L.E.I. sisters das why, fo' life" (inside joke). Abundance: we have been through many storms, tests, trials, and high mountains, but through it all, we will prevail because with Jesus all things are possible! Going through this all has only made us stronger and closer, relationship wise and spiritually! So lets move forward with out turning back! I love y'all! To everyone that I mentioned and forgot to mention, I thank you so much! I love you all! And for those who are praying for us, we thank you much and send our love. May God richly bless you in life. And lastly, I would like to thank those who took the time to check out our page. Hope that you liked it and are blessed. God Bless all of you and remember that Jesus loves you.




...coming soon!


  •, black, blue, tan, and caramel
  • TV SHOWS.....Friends and Whose Line Is It Anyways
  • MOVIES.....Ever After, The Wedding Planner, Miss Congeniality, and Dirty Dancing
  • SINGERS/GROUP.....Yolanda Adams, Out of Eden, Rachael Lampa, Stacie Orrico, Jaci Velasquez, Plus One, True Vibe, G.R.I.T.Z., Katinas, Avalon, and Celine Dion
  • BRAND OF CLOTHES.....Guess? and Gap
  • BRAND OF SHOES.....Guess?, ummmm, whatever is comfortable and nice. As long as the shoes matches what I am wearing. A girl can't have enough pairs of shoes :o)
  • FOODS.....Pasta, chicken prepared in anyway, my grandpas beef stew, and grandma Marys Pork guisantes.
  • DRINKS.....Water, Caramel Mochiato, and Iced tea
  • ICE CREAM.....Mint chocolate chip, coffee, and mocha.
  • FAST FOODS/RESTAURANTS.....Zippys, Taco Bell, McDonalds, Jack in The Box, Bravos, The Lahaina Chicken Company, Panda Express