*Creative Ideas*

Cute Poster for your room: Go to "you know your a dancer when..." and the "dance quotes" part of the web site and print and the little sayings out in different colors. Then get a bunch of dance pictures together and make a BIG poster board full of them. Then as a border put up your favorite sayings and quotes around the outside.

Tights Sweater: When your tights wear out and become old, you dont have to throw them away! You can make a "sweater" out of them that you can wear under or over your leotard to keep warm!
Cut off the feet, those will be the arms and cut a hole in the crotch for the head, but don't make it too big because tights stretch easily. Before making a sweater, make sure to wash your tights so they will be clean and stainless!

Scrapbook:To make your dancing memories last, whether you are just taking it for fun or going to make a career you can make a dance scrapbook! Put recital pictures, pictures of famous dancers or your dance teachers and friends in it! Decorate it and make it really colorfull!

Pointe Collection:Those of us who take pointe all know how quickly pointe shoes wear out! Here's an idea! Keep all your pointe shoes, by the time you stop dancing you'll have a huge collection.

Ballet Slipper:When your pointe shoes are dead, you can take out the hard stuff and break it in completely and use it like a regular ballet slipper!

Sports Top: When you grow out your leotard or you just dont use it anymore, you can cut the top of it off and use it as a sports top!

Wall Decorations:On my wall I have pinned on drawings from an art class, and on the pins, I started hanging things from my performances, like hair ribbon, or little mini pointe shoes, and it looks really pretty! You can do that, and when you wake up and look at the wall, it reminds you of dancing and your recital or performance!

More Stuff Coming.....check back for updates!
Last updated August 13, 2001

Email: girliechick3@hotmail.com