Overall Dance Tips

At Barre : 1. Always remember to pointe your toes!
2. When doing Grand Plies all your strength going down and coming up should come from your thighs or stomache, keep your back straight, and to come up don't pull up by the barre!
3. Turn out from the hips!
4. Make sure that your elbows look soft and relax the hand, so it looks really pretty!!!
5. Dont forget the head positions depending on where your arms are!
Ex: If your hands are in second position, then your head should be straight forward.
6. When you raise your leg, make sure your hips are straight.
7. Always try to keep your leg muscles tightened, especially when you jump, because you don't want your legs to jiggle like jello!! (ew!) And keeping your muscles tightened also makes your legs stronger so then it will be a lot easier to hold your leg up high!

Across the Floor : 1. Never look down on the floor in ballet, unless your teacher told you to.
2. Keep the same distance from your partner(s) as how it was when you started so you dont bump into each other.
3. When doing suvenues, chainne or any other turning movements always remember to spot and keep a straight line so you dont end up in a different end of the room going in zig zag lines.

Giving it all you've got!: "Practice makes perfect" is a really good quote! If you want to be a good dancer, you always have to practice and stretch at home! Even if you have the best talent in class, the hard work is what counts the most. You shouldnt practice at home if you are a beginner, because you may do the movement wrong and then it's hard to learn it the right way over again. But you can always stretch to increase your flexibility!
Always try to think and concentrate when you are dancing in class. Even if you are not made for dancing by nature you can be one of the best if you use your brain and have the willngless to work hard, because thats what dancing is about, so that later you can look awesome on stage!

Recital or Preformance : If you accidentaly spilled something on your costume, or got lipstick on it during a rehearsal, to get rid of the stain I really recommend using these tissues called "SHOUT"! They come with instructions how to use, and really work~!

Attitude and Sharpness: When you are dancing jazz or funk, after you learn the dance and know the steps don't forget to add your own attitude in it. That doesn't mean adding your own steps or changing the steps, but have lots of energy and fun with it! Add facials and lots of attitude! That way you have more fun and the audience is interested because it's fun to watch!

Last updated 07/21/02


Email: girliechick3@hotmail.com