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====As Hot As Da 1st====

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yo what da dilly people i said hmm why not make a new page as hot as tha first one an update them both cuz whatz hotter than one hot page??? kno it it'z two hot pagez so letz get it on.i wanna say hey to my gurl jen an a real good friend named danielle sup hun sup to agnes an anka an katelyn ... oh shnit oyeah an i wanna say whatz up to gj GREEN EYED JEN jg you kno who you are now to my boyz sup steve my friend bout tha only smart friend i have a big whatz up to jim cuz his coo like dat an may 13 he will be my drinkin buddie shit you kno what i dont think i have anymore guy friendz dat have a comp an can read this so i won't waste space...cuz you kno who you are an if i missed you hit me up an let me kno..
To My 1st page
say hello to my boo....Much luv

shit whats next

My home page


jen'z place



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