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Eric Gordon Jr.

  • name: Eric "Bogie" Gordon Jr.
  • instrument: Trumpet,Percussion,Vocals
  • nickname: Bogie
  • favorite song to play: Like Mike by Mike Ballard
  • favorite club to play at:Tipitina's

  • Eric “Bogie” Gordon Jr. was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 4,1987. Eric began playing the drum set at the age of 5 years old which he had acquired from his father.A few years later Eric picked up the trumpet not knowing his life would be changed from then on. Eric began to play with the Thurgood Marshall marching band under the direction of Charles Brooks. After two years in his band Eric went on to attended Warren Easton high school where he was in the marching band, concert band, jazz band and wind ensemble for three years under the direction of Michael Torregano Sr. an jazz instructor and one more year under the direction of Lionel Williams. Eric’s sophomore year in school he met a male by the name of Keanon Battiste who was interested in starting a band. Eric jumped at the opportunity and they formed the “All for One brass band” which plays all around the world.
  • Eric has also had the pleasure to have played with many musicians such as Troy "Trombone Shorty"Andrews,Donald Harrison,and Shamarr Allen.Brass bands such as the New Wave brass band, The Real Untouchables brass band,Da Truth Brass Band, To Be Continued brass band,The Lil Stooges brass band(Stooges Music Group), The Soul Rebels brass band, The Pinstripe brass band,and the legendary Rebirth brass band. Eric has also played all around the United States in places such as House of Blues, Fine Arts Center in New Orleans, Treme Center, Satchmo Arts Festival, New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, Jackson Square, Congo Square, Louis Armstrong park, Chicago Blues Festival and numerous other through the United States. Eric has traveled abroad performing at festivals in Europe such as “Linna Jazz Festival” held in Hameelina, Finland and the “Pori Jazz Festival” held in Pori, Finland. Eric has also had the pleasure to open concerts for artist such as Stevie Wonder, Macy Gray, Angie Stone, Alicia Keys, Bun B, and Slim Thug, also opening for B.E.T. Comicview in New Orleans June 2005 before Hurricane Katrina. Eric has appeared on several Cd’s such as “Tipitina’s Internship Cd”, All for One Brass Band demo Cd”, “All for One Brass Band Uncut” “Da Truth Brass Band ” . At the age of 20, Eric has had more opportunities to play places and do things most professional don’t get through out their entire lives.
  • Eric being the New Orleans native that he is, he lost everything when the devasting storm Hurricane Katrina hit. He was able to preserve some of his instruments but not any equipment. Eric is now in the rebuilding stage of his life, realizing every moment in life is as important as any other moment in time.Eric being out of state and no place feeling like home for several months opened his eyes.Now with "All for One" being seperated he is now focusing others as well as himself to show their talent, and express there feelings through the art of music. Eric has now formed his own band called "One for All Music Group" and performing with the "Stooges Brass Bands". Now with his life just beginning Eric is preparing to dropped his 1st CD.For more info contact Eric by e-mail or

    Remember whether good or bad leadership starts somewhere.(Eric & Keanon Battiste-Leader of All For One brass band)

    No matter how big or little the gig,you'll always get your monies worth,and if you don't believe me,ask someone!!!

    Come check me out on these sites...

    Eric Gordon on myspace
    Eric Gordon on facebook
