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Welcome to the MFA website, Perth’s newest graffiti related website. Our mission plan is to represent Australian graffiti to the world, but to keep the site mainly focused on Perth art. We may be all tucked away down here but Australian writers can still rip the shit. The site will be updated with new pictures and info as they come to hand.The Featured Artists section will be active soon with interviews, sketches and pics from various Perth artists. If you are interested in becoming a featured artist please contact us. Muralz will also become a huge area in the website once we find time to scan more pics and upload them onto the system. If you would like to contribute your words of praise or abuse or by sending in pics/sketches etc. please feel free to do so.
NEW LOOK SITE - 03/04/2000
Our webmaster, SKALE, has been working over the past few weeks to get the new site up and running. The Illegalz - Perth, Sketches, Guestbook and Contacts sections have all been actived. The other sections should be up and running shortly.

In the midst of all the confusion about page layout, SOLO has been very busy scanning a heap of his pics from the Perth area. Almost 120 new pics have been uploaded into the Perth section and plenty more are on their way. Pics due to appear in other sections are being scanned at present and should be up soon so hang tight.

Dan The Man has stated that Off Tha Hook Records, Perth's own hip-hop record shop will be moving premises next month, from it where it is presently located at 331 Murray Street in Perth, to a new location, apparently just around the corner. No more paint/nibs will be ordered in until they are settled in their new surroundings, so for those of you who used to rely on the man for your tins you may need to find a new source. Anybody with information on where to get good quality paint, drop a line on the message board.
Contributors: SKALE, SOLO, DAMET, AMUCK37, WHAT, DLITE, DRATS. .All pics copyright their respective artists.
Magik From Above Website © Skale MFA 2000. All Rights Reserved