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What`s up people? My name is Jacare and I am a fifth year senior
at the University of Illinois. This May I will be graduating and
moving on to the "real" world. Fortunately, I will have a degree
in Political Science and one in Speech Communication`s with a
job waiting on me. But really, all that means nothing
without my understanding of the creator, loving family,
good friends, and a will to change the world.

Take your shoes off, make yourself comfortable and have a look around.

Last updated 4/22/00

"Counscious" attempts to highlight the efforts and lyrics of those
artist who attempt to resist the exploitation of Black
entertainment by the record industry.

Due the relentless exploitation of Black entertainment, hiphop
has reached an all time low. Traditionally Black entertainment
has reflected the issues concerning Black people. However,
today it seems as though the only issues concerning Black folks
are money, sex, and love. Meanwhile the issues of homeless-
ness, starvation, unemployment, miseducation, overpopulation,
and the deterioration of the Black family go without notice.
Appropriately, the first featured artists is Dead Prez with lyrics
from their provocative hit "Hiphop." The beauty of this cut is that
they present these powerful lyrics over a club beat. It`s actually
"something" to bounce to. Check out the lyrics if you are prepared to be made...

These pictures are old and will be updated soon but stop by
anyway. Cool? Cool.

This is finally ready!

This section contains mostly original poetry dealing with social issues, personal
concerns, occasionally relationships, and anything else. I take request.

I thought it would be somewhat vain of me to start off with my own poetry
without paying respect to those who have paved the way with
meaningful poetry. This is not The Last Poets` best stuff,
but I figured some people may get offended by my favorites.
This poem is for the sisters, but everyone should check it out though!

Want to see something different yet mind stimulating? Check out Circle68!!!