Hardgate and District Angling Association – www.fishinghut.co.uk
The Club was formed in 1919, so we have just recently celebrated our 80th Anniversary. We fish the Cochno Loch and Jaw Reservoir which are situated adjacent to each other in the Kilpatrick Hills just a few miles north of the town of Clydebank behind the villages of Duntocher and Hardgate.
"Club Waters"
Although as this picture of the Cochno Loch shows, the scenery is very attractive and it is difficult to imagine that you are no more than 10 miles from Glasgow city centre.
Both Lochs are stocked with Brown Trout, fishing is restricted to club members and their guests.
"The Hut"
This photo was taken in August 2001, when some of the members gathered at the Hut to remember Jimmy Hume our Honorary President who had recently passed away.
Even though the hut is situated at 1000 feet above sea level in the Kilpatrick hills, we do not miss out on too much, it provides a shelter and the chance of a hot cuppa when the weather takes a turn for the worse.