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Dank's Smoke Shop

Why do I smoke

This page is for the serious stoners in the world.Just remember it's 420 sumwhere and pass that shit.You know the puff puff pass so give a smoker a holla.

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Quizes I've Taken
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Which Gang U should be in

You rep that six keep a blue flag hangin out the left side only on the left side yeah thats the crip side

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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How Will You Die(Brutal Pics)

you will probably be killed because you fuck with peaple

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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what weed r u most like PICS!

u like strong weed with all buds that will get u fucked up and eat every fucken thing in yur house stay up

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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Whats Your Stoner Nickname? (PICS)

Tweak and Cha
One of the most fun and weirdest stoners their are. You often say dumb shit that turns out to be hilarious after a few seconds. You often make weird sounds and twitch a lot. You will use your skills of twitching and weird sounds to make up for shitty jokes you have told which strangly evens things out. You love smoking and hanging out with your friends and making an ass out of yourself. Defently a nice and cool person to blaze it up with

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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*STONER- Lights a cigarette just before your ready to light up. *POTHEAD- Knows that there is a cipher and a cig will disrupt that and is best left for the end of the session. *ST- Buys "weed" in small doses (dime bags and such). *PH- Not only buys "What ever the latest avoid the cops lingo is" by weight but has memorized the weight system as well. *ST- Throws the weed when cops are around. *PH- Eats the weed because if I'm getting arrested I might as well go in with a killer buzz.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
Are you cool to smoke with???(includes pictures)

Your fuckin awesome!!!
Your a cool person to smoke with, probably one of the best.Your most likely to be the one with a funny joke or a cool idea.Your a true stoner...keep on tokin' my friend.smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, smoke two joints in the afternoon it makes me feel alright.-if you don't know this band then you got the wrong answer. ;)

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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hell yea, come party w/ me
yea, you would fit in just fuckin great! u2u me

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!