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Training House

The Center for our training and staff housing was a former Hacienda house located just ten minutes from downtown Bacolod. This is where the schools such as "Children in Need" and "Introduction to Biblical Counseling" were conducted, as well as the preschool ministry.

View of the YWAM Training Base from across Lizares Ave.

Front view of the Hacienda house

The 3 base dogs, there to keep everyone company.

Side view


Side yard of the house. You can see the spire of Lupit church across the street.

The swingset area. Preschool was also run here.

Backyard of the house

Base cat. Every YWAM base needs one.

Back steps leading up to the kitchen

One of the dogs taking a midday nap

Back view of the house

Hacienda Training House interior
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