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The Name

Nebulaar (neb-yew-lar) adj consisting of many parts some of which may exists in other dimensions and other space time continuums.

Nebuloid (neb-yew-loid) n1 very unusual or strange substance originating from vague gaseous particles that exists only in deep space around a nebula: nebuloid. 2 a wonderful nebulous substance that is very deep but has no height or width: nebuloid. vb 3 the act of being nebulaar: nebuloid. Note: this word is a sentence on its own and cannot be use with other words in a sentence.

Is that enough rhetorical bulls***?
The Band

Well, the band, at the moment consist of one person, me. When I was younger, I studied to become a musician. Both of my brothers were professional musicians and, during their transition from amateur to professional, there were a lot of instruments left lying around our home. Oh, my sister played the flute, wouldn't want to leave her out. Being very curious I would give all of them a go, even the flute. Some I liked and became familiar with. I learn to play around seven of them, piano, trumpet, guitar, bass guitar, drums, organ and viola in that order.  I didn't bother with the flute. At that time electronics was my hobby.  Later, after becoming frustrated with all of the egos that seem to be attracted to playing or singing I joined the US Army and became a electronics engineer. During this time I didn't play very much. Ten years later my now ex-wife bought me a keyboard and I started to compose again.  Over the years I've acquired a lot of equipment and put together a 16 track digital home studio. Nebuloid is the vehicle use to distribute the products form that studio, which has been relocated to several cities, London, Brussels, Munich & Chippenham, during my travels. Oh, please bear in mind that I'm not a singer by any stretch of the imagination!
The CDs

 Secrets of the Dead

 Twilight News

 Bone Man

