Topic: Spirit's Food
Peace is a gift; a mystery yet to unfold…
Both religion & its rebellion have roles to be revealed…
Peace is found in forgiveness: naming the hurts is a first step. We can bring love to these places, trusting that what we need will come. Let us act in whatever arena we can, for
The will to act is key.
To awaken this within ourselves, let us open our hearts, trusting that even in the
Unknown there is some “Good -Orderly -Direction” (“g-o-d”), and that the next right thing will unfold.
A Call for Peace. A treatise named ‘‘The Promise of World Peace‘ calls for a world meeting of leaders a & peoples from every country. It has some helps to awaken the will to act,, and has been distributed to millions worldwide.
For more information go to the New Link at
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2009 6:47 AM HST
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