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PRIMARY PURPOSE GROUP for “All Addicts ” and more…


Overeaters Anonymous Primary Purpose Group

If you need help for overeating or other addictions that keep you from you highest good, we welcome you and anyone interested in learning more about this highly successful program of recovery and way of life.

Our group is inclusive of all those who wish to stop compulsively eating. Many of us have recovered and are living One Day At A Time" by the spiritual principles as outlined in the text of Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as the Big Book. We have found healing by taking the Twelve Steps as outlined precisely in that Book.

If you have gone to groups, meetings, therapy and discussion meetings; if you feel confused and overwhelmed and are wondering why you're not getting better, we welcome you. We have found a new way of living. You can too. The Big Book tells us we are recovered but not cured: we have a “daily reprieve” as long as we continue working the twelve steps.

This program is amazingly simple and effective, having assisted nearly 75% of its early members to recover from alcoholism. It has been the blueprint for thousands of other similar groups. Yet success rates of A.A. and other recovery programs have plummeted. The problem, we believe, is that they have strayed far from the original principles of the founders. Our Primary Purpose study of the Big Book helps bring us back to those principles.

Precepts for Healing

These lifesaving directions are explained in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, which tells us that an "entire psychic change" is our only hope, and that this is how it can be achieved. We must:

Completely give ourselves to this simple Program.
Practice rigorous honesty.
Be willing to go to any lengths for recovery.
Be fearless and thorough in practicing these principles.
Accept that there is no easier, softer way.
Let go of our old ideas absolutely.
Realize that half measures will not work.
Ask God’s * protection and care with complete abandon.
Become willing to grow along spiritual lines.

We admit that we cannot manage our own lives (satisfactorily), and that probably no human power can restore us to sanity, but “God”* (Spirit or Something Greater than us) can and will restore us if sought.

In the Big Book, the term *"God" is explained as inclusive of many Spirit- ways-- eg., "God as we understand God."

Overeaters Anonymous, AllAddicts and Primary Purpose links

O.A.P.P. and Tea Yahoogroup Fellowship

OAPP Big BookStudy Yahoogroup

AllAddicts Primary Purpose Big BookStudy Yahoogroup

Open Phone Meetings (OAPP) for Anyone Wishing to Recover:

Foundation Meeting for Newcomers to OAPP
Two recovered OA members tell their stories for about 20 minutes at the start, then cite from the Big Book as to how
and Why our Primary Purpose Back- to -the- Book program works. Foundation meetings are a "must- do" to find out WHY it is imperative
to study and stick very closely to the Big Book in order to recover.

Foundation Meeting Tuesday 7:30 PM EST (4:30 PM PST) Dial-in Number: 712-432-0175 Access Code: 1069866#
Recorded meeting Playback Number: 712-432-0179 Access Code: 1069866# You can fast forward thru or pause using the dialpad as needed.

Big Book Study Meetings Tuesday 6:00 PM EST (3:00 PM PST)
Conference Dial-in Number: 712-432-3900 Access Code: 390009#
Recorded meeting Playback Number: 712-432-3903 Access Code: 390009#

Friday 3:00 PM EST (12:00 Noon PST)
Conference Dial-in Number: 712-432-3900 Access Code: 390009#
Recorded meeting Playback Number: 712-432-3903 Access Code: 390009#

OA literature, meetings & More at: /

The Primary Purpose Big Book Study Guide-- from Dallas PPG

This Study Guide was created to enable the student to better understand the information the authors of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous,
intended to impart to each of us based on their experience and knowledge of alcoholism and their Program of Recovery.
It can be used by an individual or by a group. This Guide is intended to examine the content of virtually every sentence
in the basic text of the Big Book. It is available through

Primary Purpose Groups around the world offer meetings that closely adhere to the original intent and meaning of the Big Book
and its Founders, the first 100 A.A.'s who were so successful. Many A.A. groups also use the name "Primary Purpose",
but the ones in this closer following of the Big Book are now using the Primary Purpose Big Book Study Guide.

The members of the groups listed here are mostly recovered and recovering alcoholics, and they are very kind and helpful,
and full of good information. Many of them will help anyone with any addictive problem. Their meetings generally are inclusive of anyone interested.

Find out more about the Big Book and the Primary Purpose groups at these AA links:

Original (Dallas) AA Group

London group, with online chat & meetings


AAPP Foundation meeting
A "must- do" to find out WHY it is imperative
to study and stick very closely to the Big Book.

AAAPP “All Addicts” BIG BOOK STUDY Yahoo GROUP online

Also of Note:

Next Page: The Twelve Steps & "It Ain't in the Book!"


This site is not affiliated with the entities of A.A. or other “Anonymous” programs.
The only requirement for membership in All Addicts Anonymous PrimaryPurpose (AAAPP)
is a desire to stop compulsively acting out in our problem behaviors.
