Articles/ Newsletter

Water is Life!
Happy Water & Health Blog
Lucky Joy Wells, Wellness Advocate, Master Coach
… Right living can add ten, twenty or more years to your life. Imagine the peace of many productive, happy, loving, disease- free years ahead.
Physiology Consultant, energy and weight - loss trainer Lucky Wells offers little known, highly effective approaches * for health and weight correction and motivation.
Join with the millions now enjoying the most natural health there is!
FREE initial consult-- Call for a fuller explanation of the logic of our re- education and to clarify your choices for superlative health and energy.
If you're ready to move into your best health,
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To get our Annual/ Bi- Annual Newsletter, Updates and Special Reports send Email.
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Our Newsletter Updates can remind you to mind your health, ..
...Live the positives that create optimum vitality and healthy weight and wellness, and ..
...Avoid activities that drain health, substituting sweet & healthful enjoyments instead
.. Overcome disease and enjoy vibrant health, and....
....Re-set your body's natural magnetism to Healthy pursuits
...Gain confidence and reliance on the amazing wisdom & healing ability of your body
If you're ready to move into your best health, Call for a complimentary phone consultation. For questions or help in looking at your priorities contact Lucky /Email /
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If you're not ready yet, stay connected with our Bi- annual Newsletter/ Updates and Special Reports to keep us and health in mind...
Newsletter Updates include Reports and Worksheets to help you create and stick with your personalized, written goals and health plans.
... Our updates and articles can help you get clear about health, activate motivation and more......
Special Reports as Available include:
“ Let the Buyer Beware-- Judging the Effectiveness of a Treatment” -- or
Wellness Vision Self- check and Empowerment come with Updates to help you get and stay on the Wellness path.
Health is an investment.
Its vital consequences and results reach into every area of life.
The “dividends” of healthy lifestyles are paid out with even small improvements in lifestyle.
Everything-- work, home, family, relationships, emotions, spirit, self- esteem, confidence, and so on all are dependent on your wellness to be the best that they can be.
Contact Lucky / Email
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