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Item and Weapon Shop

Sword: Use this in battle. When weilding the sword you can attack from a greater range, and cause much more damage. If your power level is over 7,000, you can use 2 swords at once, doubling the damage. Price per sword: $2,000

Z SWORD:A sword that you can have after you train with kaio shin with it adding a 2x your power level and is unbreakable.Must have a power level of 200,000 to use.

Z ARMOR:Armor that can never be destroyed and must be purchased after kaio shin training.It also takes off 2,000 from ki attacks and all physical attacks are in effective.cost:$100,000

Power Bow: Use this in battle. The Power Bow is weapon that specializes in suprising its victim. The Power Bow is virtualy impossible to block. This weapon is as strong as a well placed punch. Price: $1,000.

Blasters:When Used in battle, the user fires several shots from a wrist implanted blaster. The blaster is a literally a Kamehameha for those with bad KI or who just want to punch a fast one on their opponents. Price: $4,000

Sieba Man Beans: These beans can be used as a battle begins to wear down the user's opponent. The Sieba men each have a power level of 1,000, a Hp of 400, and a speed of 25. The Sieba men have no Ki and cannot shoot blasts. They can only perform moves that the user knows. You can only carry up to 4 beans at a time. Price per bean: $2,500.

Saiyan Armor: This armor takes away 50 points of damage from blasts, and renders punches and kicks to the stomach, or chest, ineffective. Can take 500 points of damage before it is destroyed. Price:$4,000

Heavy Saiyan Armor: Has the same properties as regular armor, only it takes away 100 points of damage from blasts, and it can withstand 1,500 points of damage before it is destroyed. Price: $12,000.

Chill Armor: Same properties as Heavy Saiyan Armor, only it takes away 300 points of damage from blasts. This Armor will take 5,000 Points before it is destroyed. Price: $25,000

Ultimate Armor: This Armor is the Ultimate. Unlike the other Armors this Armor is literaly attached to the skin(like Freeza when he is rebuilt), rather then worn over the chest. This armor will take away 500 Points of damage from blasts, and it can never be destroyed. Price: $500,000(for Armor and the operation to have it put on your body)

Saiyan Weighted Clothes: These clothes can be used while training in the "Room of Spirit and Time". When training, each garment adds to the wearer's "Room of Spirit and Time" stats (look in the "Room of Spirit and Time" to find out what the stats are to begin with) as follows: +25 Power Level +0 Ki +5 Speed. List of garments: Cape, Shirt, Under Shirt, Wrist weights, Pants, and Shoes. Price per garment: $500.

Human Weighted Clothes: Exact same propreties as the Saiyan Weighted Clothes, only designed for Humans. Price per garment: $500.

Namek Weighted Clothes: Exact same propreties as the Saiyan Weighted Clothes, only designed for Nameks. Price per garment: $500.

Android Weighted Clothes:Exact same propreties as the Saiyan Weighted Clothes, only designed for Androids Price per garment: $500

Gravitron: Used while training in the "Room of Spirit and Time", this machine multiplies gravity, and boosts the user's "Room of Spirit and Time" stats as follows: For each 10x gravity is multiplied +100 Power Level +5 Ki +10 Speed. The original machine can only be boosted up to 10x Earth's gravity. Upgrades can be purchased to improve the machine. Price: $15,000. You may only have unlimited upgrades on 1 Gravitron, but must have capsule corp modify your gravitron going past 10.

Gravitron Upgrade: Used to improve the Gravitron. This upgrade allows the Gravitron to boost another 10x Earth's gravity. Price: $8,500.

Gravitron Modification:This is where Capsule Corp will fix your Gravitron so you can have more than 10 upgrades on your gravitron. Price:$12,000.

Senzu Beans: Add 5,000 Hp to a weakend fighter during battle. A maximum of 5 beans can be carried at a time. Price per bean: $3,500.

Senzu Bean Bag: Allows the owner to carry up to 10 Senzu Beans. Price: $3,500.

Sieba Man Bean Bag: Allows the owner to carry up to 8 Sieba Men beans at a time. Price: $6,500.

Scouter: Tells the user his/her opponent's power level. This makes the user less succeptible to surprise attacks like Zanzoken, and Mystic Attack. If the opponent's power level is over 100,000 the scouter overloads, and is destroyed. Price: $5,000.

Rejuvenation Tank: This item can be used after long, grueling battles, in order to add 500 HP to the next fight. If used while fighting for control over a planet's inhabitants, or during "marathon fights" all the tank does is restore HP to full. Price: $15,000.

DragonBall Radar: This radar shows the location of all 7 DragonBalls that are on Earth. If you purchase this radar you are automaticaly given the 7 DragonBalls. After you recieve the balls and make your wish, your Dragon Radar is destroyed. Price: $15,000.

Namek DragonBall Radar: Opperates the same way as normal DragonBall Radar only it locates the Namek Dragonbals(note that you must do this on planet Namek). then it is destroyed. Price: $25,000.

DarkStar DragonBalls Radar: Operates the same way as a normal Dragonball Radar only it locates the DarkStar Dragonballs (note you can wish anywhere). After that is done it is destroyed. Price:$ 45,000

Porta Earring: Two earing that fuses a person together. One person puts it on the left ear and the other puts it on the right ear. This can only be done once and the one person has to quite the RPG. The earings add all the characters stats and times each stats by 4 and all the items, weapons, wins, losses, moves, etc. go to that person. Requirements: Powerlevel of 6,000,000 for each person and the cost is $10,000

Saiyan Spacepod: This small speedy craft is designed to get you where you need to go as fast as possible. It contains only enough room for one, and has no extra features. This ship is the fastest (along with the Chill and Freeza Ship) that money can buy. Price: $25,000.

Namek Spaceship: This odd looking craft is old, and slow. This ship is much slower than the others, and isn't as rugged. The plus side to this ship is that it can hold up to 3 people at a time it has its own gravitaion and it can go up to 200X gravity of Earth. Price: $30,000.

Capsule Corp. Ship: A fairly large craft that is fast. This ship is the second fastest in the fleet, and contains the added bonus of having a built in Gravitron. This Gravitron, however, cannot be upgraded, and its max power is 500X the gravity of the planet it's on. This ship has room for 5 and is very, very useful for begining teams. Price: $35,000.

Freeza Space Ship:This huge craft is faster than a space pod, has room for 10 passengers. This ship has no gravitation it has 4 Rejuvention Chambers as well.This is the Second perfect ship.Cost:$40,000

Chill Spaceship: This huge craft is as fast as the Saiyan Pod, and has room for 7 passengers. This ship contains not only a Gravitron (with a 1000x capability), but also a Rejuvenation Chamber as well. This chamber contains 2 Rejuvenation Tanks. The perfect ship for powerful, ruthless teams who travel the universe together. You may only have 5 Graviton Upgrades on this ship. Price: $55,000.

E-mail me if you want any of these items
