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“If the only way I can be with you is in my dreams. Then let me dream forever.”

*.·`¨´» (`*·.¸(`*·.¸¸.·*´)¸.·*´) «´¨`·.*
*´¨`*:·.(¸.· ``*» iLLusivEHuNNiE at aadotcom «*``·.¸) .·:*´¨`*
*.·`¨´» (`*·.¸(`*·.¸¸.·*´)¸.·*´) «´¨`·.*

•• -» › page info
·×· member since ·×· january 17, 03
·×· theme ·×· simplicity
·×· colors ·×· yellow, black and gray
·×· last updated ·×· april 04 // 3:21 p.m.

•• -» › breakdown
·×· identification ·×· ...
·×· sent on ·×· march 13, 1986
·×· candles on recent birthday ·×· 17
·×· ingredients ·×· japanese, filipino, shanish, chinese, haole
·×· resident in ·×· oahu
·×· occupied ·×· kahuku high (ghetto)
·×· grade ·×· junior
·×· stats ·×· single
·×· reppin ·×· gEnUwInLeE xQuIzEtTe LaYdEeZ n illUSiVE

•• -» › kontax
·×· aim ·×·xiLLusivEHuNNiEx
·×· email ·×·
·×· a.a ·×· iLLusivEHuNNiE
·×· xanga ·×· illusivehunnie

•• -» › hollas
·×· genuwinlee xquizette laydeez ·×·
amabelle brenda cara donna farwyn kriscee
·×· HASMB· ×·
ali corey tupu urara steven kelley nani be continued
·×· seniors ·×·
chris jay caryn jason solomon kei sondra jenni wilson kiki jonathon ross amanda joey
Congratulations you guys! GOod luck at college. Thanx for all the memories!! Gonna miss ya guys!
·×· other peeps ·×·
aaron brandon lorna sara jared reece josh shane liz erin amy mark michael aso moana clarence brisa merenia marisha cyndi priscilla ola kanani bonnie travis hiroki eric sarah jason amy t. william eric l.keala azura evelyn tiffany lester

•• -» › important dates
·×· april 05-14 ·×· olsat testing
·×· april 23 ·×· farwyn's 17th birthday!/mid-progress reports
·×· april 26 ·×· parade of bands

•• -» › daily blog

·×· friday april 04 ·×·
Today was a long boring day. We had the math part for the testing. Our school sux cuz the guy thats in charge of tests or whatever wouldn't let us use calculators becuase he thinks that everyone doesn't have calculators. I mean hello they can just borrow from someone. But yea I got a C on my chapter 5 test. I suck at math but het I got 6 wrong so I'm happy.

<3 iLLusivEHuNNiE

·×· thursday april 04 ·×·
Yey I finally passed my hiragana and katakana quiz!! But yea anyways had practice after school today. It went alright and we ended early so that was good. And it starting raining when me, Brandon and Farwyn walked home. Why did it have to rain when we are walking home?!?! Couldn't it rain after we got home??

<3 iLLusivEHuNNiE

•• -» › eye candy

*to see each pic click on the number*

·×· cruizen at pearlz ·×·
pic 01 kriscee, me, amabelle
pic 02 kriscee, amabelle, me

·×· trip at california ·×·
pic 03 L-R: kriscee, amabelle, chris, jared, aaron Bottom L-R: amy, me, cara, donna
pic 04 me, amabelle, cara at medieval times
pic 05 amabelle, korey, cara, ali, me

·×· reunion at moanalua high ·×·
pic 06 kriscee, me, aaron, amabelle, cara
pic 07 cara, donna, jared, farwyn, amy, amabelle, kriscee

·×· prom at pacific beach hotel ·×·
pic 08 kriscee, me, amabelle, cara
pic 09 aaron and me
pic 10 donna and me
pic 11 pat, zynfia, jared, farwyn, shane, his date
pic 12 brandon and me
pic 13 kriscee, cara, aso, amabelle, me; bottom center: donna
pic 14 me and cara
pic 15 cara and aso
pic 16 merenia and me
pic 17 lance and amabelle

FRIENDS: xQuIzEtTeSwEeTi xdestroyedx



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