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Hi! Welcome to my Page!

Hi all! Welcome to my site! I'm really hoping my blog works, they are such a trouble to make, aspecially when they don't work and u have 2 totally redo them -sigh- Oh well *crosses fingers* please work!!! Ok, anyways, Welcome to my site!! I decided to use a blog coz I like it better then messy text cluttering up my beautiful site!!! ^_^ Anyways, e-mail me if u find the time in your busy day! Or, if you use neopets my username is lil_wiccan_gurl39! OMYGOSH! The blog worked!! WHEE!!! -hugs- ^_^ I'm gonna add some links soon! E-mail me with suggestions as to what I should put on the webbie! I'm probably gonna put a few guild layouts (If i can figure out how |_()|_), a blog, some neopets tips and cheats and all that fun stuff!! So, when you find the time, add me, make me your neobuddy, or just e-mail me! It's up to you!! Anyway, enough here! Explore the site!!!!
I added lotsa linkies!! The Talk 2 Me thingie is where you post your comments and stuff about the site! I would get a guestbook, but, again, too messy. I dont like them at all! XP!! I also put in a Links page which has a whole bunch of guilds and 1 site so far. If you were to pick a guild, I would reccomend the first one or the second one!! They are both AWESOME! Anyways TTFN!

Contact me!


Talk 2 Me!
