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This is a run-through summary of our tour. I probably left some details out but who really cares? Read and I hope you enjoy. Let me warn you thoguh, i'm not good at writing sentences or paragraphs so deal with my poor skills. The crew on the tour was: Kris, Jesus, Carlos, Albert, Abraham, Moises, and myself- Dingy Danny.

There were problems the day before we left. The van we were supposed to take was nowhere to be found. The plan was to leave on friday night to arrive at Utah on time. We spent 10 hours on the net, phone, and yellow pages looking for a van to rent for cheap. At 8am on Saturday, Kris woke me up (from my break time nap) and said "dude, we found a cheap van, let's go pick it up".

11am and we just threw all the shit in the van. There was no time to fix and organize all of our gear, food, backpacks, merch, etc.. Everything was just thrown in cause we were running waaaay late. We hit the road and drove as fast as we could.

Nevada was fucking hot! But we drove through it very quick. Kris was going over 90mph in Utah so I began telling the dudes of a story that happened while on the AVERSIóN/KONTRAATTAQUE tour a few years ago. If you wanna know that story, email me. Anyway, as soon as I finished telling them that story, we had a flat tire! I was a bit scared but Kris took good control of the mini-van (that's right, a soccer mom mini van).

The show was almost over and we got there on the dot (around 10:30pm)! A few people had left but a few still hung around. Did our set and it was fun. The only thing that sucked was missing all the bands. Sorry brudes.

Jon, the super cool dude who helped us out a crapload, let us stay at his house that night. The first thing we did when we got to his house was hit the bathroom. Moi went last and one of us said "there's no more toilet paper" but Moi didn't know that, So he took a loooooong ass time in there. He finally came out and we were laughing. We asked how he wiped his ass, hahahaha!!!!! Wanna know how? E-mail me and ask,

The next morning was ok. We had to organize everything in the van and get the tire fixed. The next destination was Denver, CO. The drive was hot but nice. Nice scenery, nice lake, nice weather. It was around 5pm when we got to Denver and damn, it was ghost town. No one was on the street. Completely lonely, maybe the people were all in church or something. Who knows? But anyway, the show was at this super big warehouse looking venue. Not many people showed up but we made new friends. The show ended early and we didn't have a place to crash so it was decided to drive 1/2 way to Kansas and sleep at a rest stop. But before we left Denver, we hit the Denver skate park and man, this must be the biggest, most brutalest park in the U.S!!! This spot had evreything, it was a skaters wet dream come true. The only bad thing was that it closed at 11pm and the cops kicked us out. So bye, bye it was.

Before we hit the road, we stopped by a market to buy some food to cook. The groceries were bought and on the way we were. Our feast was held at a rest area either in Colorado or the entering part of Kansas. That's where we slept too.

The drive through Kansas was extremely boring and hot. Plains and fields is all we saw. But I guess the boring scenery was entertaining cause a cop pulled us over for speeding. Good thing is that he let us off with a warning. The cop dude was nice and he even told us of a swimable lake about an hour ahead from where we were. The lake kicked ass! All of us skinny dipped and It wasdeep, cool, and overwheling. It was 3pm, and time to hit Lawrence, or Topeka.

The show was supposed to be at a park but it didn't happen. We spent the night at a skate park and then at the house where we slept.

Tuesday, a long drive was ahead of us to Chicago. I don't remember the way but I kinda do. We went by Wyoming, Missouri and i'm not sure where else. I'm not sure but I do remember crossing some states we didn't even know we were gonna pass. Well, that was super cool cause we got to see more of the U.S than we expected.

The Chicago show started early and the same happened as in Utah. We arrived as soon as the last band was finishing their set. We played and people seemed to like it. Extremely fun show it was!

The night was spent at the dudes from REACCIóN (ex-Sin Orden vato) house. Manny, Carlos and Megan cooked us some brutal ass food and showed us basketball videos (they loooove basketball). It was passed 1am and I was very, very tired. It was time to hit the hay. The dudes told us that one of us had to sleep in the van (to take care of our stuff) cause the neighborhood wasn't a hood we can trust. Moi and I slept in the van.

Manny, Carlos and Megan gave us a small tour of Chicago the next morning and then took us to a killer Mexican food place. The food was cool and we wished we could have stayed longer but there was a lot of road ahead of us. It was good bye time.

It was hard booking the Oklahoma show so we had that day off. I think we just spent it driving and stopping at the cool spots and scenes we saw on the road, Much didn't happen on Wednesday. I don't remember what else happned. But we had a show the next day in Texas and we found out (3 hours before the show) that it was gonna be an 18+ show. We're an anti-agist band so it would go against what we stand for and believe in if we played this show. So we had a day to kill. We were in Albuquerque a day early and we wanted to camp out. I called Roger (the dude who helped book the show in NM) and told us of a spot about an hour north from Albuquerque, So then we were off to that place.

The camping thing is a long story. We drove the whole night looking for a swimmable lake or river but they all sucked. We slept in the woods in the mountains and it was kinda fucking scary. The next morning also kinda sucked cause we still didn't find a river or lake to swim. So we just headed back to Abq. Roger invited us over his house (or we invited ourselves) so we cooked and had a brutal meal! It was 7pm and time to hit the show.

All the bands that played that night were these big, MetalBlade bands. So we opened up and we fucking sucked shit! Although some people liked us, I thought we did a horrible set and the band would agree with me on that. The other bands were complaining over the mic on how they were cramped in their van and I was like "what the fuck!". There was like 5 or 6 of them in a 12-15 passanger van with a playstation in there, not only that but they had a U-haul for their equipment. Duuuuude! It was 7 of us in a mini-van with equipment, merch and food!!!! Anyway.... The night was over and it was off to Rogers house. There was drinking and more. But i was too tired to stay awake so I knocked out.

We had tire problems the next morning so Kris and Moi went to handle that. They got back and it was off to Phoenix. We thanked Roger for everything. Hugs, kisses, ass grabbing and bye, byes.

Driving to Phoenix was somewhat fun, long, tiring, and boring. We had a few gas, food, and piss stops. We thought we were gonna get to the show late but we had forgotten about the 1 hr difference change so that helped out on our schedule and got there on time.

\ People were already waiting for us to show up so the show can start. Dan (friend, booker) greeted me with a hug and an ass-pinch and ball shake. Anyway, we played in a poolhouse, and yes, there a was a pool full of water next to the pool house (duh). So we walked in and I think Moi got pushed in the pool. Then Abe got pushed in. The Albert pushed Carlos in. Then Albert got pushed in by someone else and then this push-you-in-the-pool-chain got started. The entire band and crew (except myself) was pushed in with all their clothes and shoes on. Haha, I was the lucky one. So, I set up the merch table and sold all my videos within seconds! I guess the dudes in AZ (especially TODD) love videos which is good cause I made it through this tour selling videos and a pair of used shoes.

This show was on the top of our best shows list. Everyone danced and had a blast. I learned a new dance/mosh move here and it goes like this: Have your pants and undies, a bit more than half way down your ass (that's right, you gotta expose the cheeks). Then run around the pit and jump on people with your ass facing them. If you're lucky, they won't move and your sweaty, hairy ass will make contact with them. What y'all think? Brutal!

Anyway, we all jumped into the pool after we played and it felt good! The water was warm and the weather was right. After that, Todd and Dan drive us to buy some inexpensive drinks and then the record store. I saw a few recs I wanted but couldn't spend my $$ since I had so little of it. All I could do is stare and drool. After, we went to Dans gf house (sorry, I forgot her name, i'm really sorry!!!) and she fed us. Hung out a while and then it was time to go.

I was very tired and sleepy, so Kris drove most of the way home. We got to L.A around 8 am. Some of the dudes went home and so did I. I knocked on my door and my parents were surprised. My dad thought I was home for good but little did he know we had another week to go.

I was only home for a few hours cause the show was an early show and it started at 2pm. I showered, ate, took a nap and then it was time to hit the road again.

The show started around 3-4 and a good amount of people showed up. Abe was furious at this show. His reason was "I haven't had good sleep, haven't eaten properly and i'm very tired". He used the F word a lot and it was his way of letting out his aggresion.

Show ended around 6 and I sold my shoes to have more tour $$. Moi left with his lady, and the plan was to meet at Abes around 8. It was 10 and Moi was nowhere to be found. We called around and he supposedly went to the beach with his girl. We were like "what the fuck" so we went to buy more groceries for the road at Food 4 Less.

Moi showed up around 11 and we hit the road around 12. I drove but not for long. 2 hours into the road and I couldn't hang anymore. My eyelids were heavy and I needed sleep. Kris (2nd driver) was also tired so we just pulled at a rest area and slept.

I think we hit the road a few hours later and somehow we ended up in Berkeley. We were supposed to take the I-5 all the way to Oregon but somehow ended up on the 580. It was 10am and we back-tracked like 1 hour or 2. Got the map, drove, got on the 5, drove, drove, drove.

1pm and the hunger was kicking in. We pulled off around the Mt. Shasta area and found a shitty lake. Cooked, ate, rested, and I snapped at the dudes. I cooked a lot of spaghetti for everyone and they didn't want any. They were telling me to eat everything and they pissed me off.

The show was supposed to be at a venue called Musichead. But there was a fuck up on the calendar and the dude had two shows booked that same day. So our show got booted off and we ended up playing in some cool and brutal garage where many, many touring bands have played before. The garage/house was right in front of a little skate park so we skated. The show was fun. There were 2 other touring bands from Maryland. All of the bands had a feast at the skate park. Hung out, skated, ate, then knocked out around 2 am.

9am, time to say bye, bye. Portland was the next stop and there was much time to kill. We went looking for a lake or river and we found a cool one about 1 hr ahead. We ate, swam, rested there for a good while. Then it was time to hit the road.

We played at a pizza place and got free pizza after the show. I recognized a few faces from the previous times we played Portland and sorry to say but we sucked this day. We had a place to crash this night, but the morning after would dissapoint us.

The neighborhood where we stayed was what we call in our hood, "ghetto". Well, it was 8am when Moi woke me up. He said "brude, our backpacks are gone". Everyone woke up as soon as Moi said that. I thought he was bullshitting but he wasn't. I went to the van and a window was forced open. Everything in the van was a mess. Clothes, food, papers, everything was everywhere. Our bags were gone, Kris's camcorder and camera was missing. Moi's camera was missing. I had the merch and gas money in a little box and I guess they saw it but not the money so they didn't take that!! We were all bummed out so we went searching for our bags. An hour later, we found it all scattered a few houses down. All of our clean socks and Alberts jean shorts were taken. We were really bummed out.

This morning was filled with nothing but drama. I snapped at Moi, everyone was mad so let's skip this part and continue the story.

Seattle! This night was the 1st out of 4 consecutive shows we would be playing with Cut The Shit and The Rites. I think we sucked again this night but it was still fun. I met Rachel this night and man, she's an awesome friend! After the show we went to this punk house to see a movie through a projector in the backyard of the house but before we got there, we made a scene. There was heavy traffic cause of a baseball game. Seriously dudes, we were going -50 mph. Traffic wasn't moving at all!! So we decided to kick Albert out of the car. It was a struggle and it was done. The doors were locked and Albert was outside of the car asking us to let him in. People just looked and laughed. Suddenly, a miracle happened.. we were moving and Albert was running after us! Hahaha!!!

After the movie and all the singing, we crashed at a house. I walked in and everyone was getting ready to smoke out. It was 3am and I knew I wasn't gonna get any sleep if I stayed in the house. So, I slept in the car.

Thursday morning, went to a house with a big, black dildo in the bathroom. Cleaned the van and I snapped at Jesus this time. I snapped over some stupid carrotts. But we got over it. Time to head to Olympia.

We arrived a few hours early so we went to a near by record store. We saw our Canadian and Bellingham friends there! Hugged the homies, drooled over records I couldn't buy. After, we toured downtown Olmpia but there wasn't much to see.

The show was very fun. All the bands tore shit up and we finally had a good show again. A bit un-tuned but very fun. The next show was @ Gilman St. in Berkeley. It was a looong drive so driving had to be done.

We got to the bay like 4 or 5 hours early so we went to Mois pad. It was awesome! We had a good, home cooked meal, showered, watched movies and slept a bit. It was then time to head to gilman.

There was sooooo many people at this show and man, I was very excited. The line up was great this nite and people actually wanted to see us play. Since we were added at the last minute (thanks Sweet Tooth) we had to play in the STOAR. We were set up and ready to play and damn, it was packed! No one could move. The excitement was building up and then.... We started our set and all I saw was flying bodies everywhere. Everyone was going nuts! We only played five songs but that was enough. After our set, this one dude brought out some trophies for us because "they're the best band ever, HMB #1". Wow, I was surprised. This made the show even better!

The show continued with Artimus Pyle, Stockholm Syndrome (2 song set) and then with WHN? to close the show. Kick youself in the ass if you missed this show cause it was simply amazing!

Saturday, this was it. The last day of our 2 1/2 week tour. I was happy and a bit sad to be home. But anyway, we drove straight to Pomona. I thought we weren't gonna play anymore but some dude told us to set up when we got there.

This must have been 1 of the best shows of our tour. All of our friends were there, man, this show was also packed. We played and the place also went nuts. People sang along, danced, it was fun.

The show continued with an amazing line up. Nothing but touring bands including 2 Japanese bands! WHN? closed the show and everyone went crack head! It's been like 2 years since the last time they played SoCal and it was awesome. The show ended late and it was time to go home. The dudes wanted to go eat but I was tired and very sleepy. I was going home.

I left the venue around 2am. Got home around 2:30am, and I jumped on my bed. I lost a lot of weight, had bags on my eyes, but it was all worth it. We got to see a good amout of the U.S and hopefully we'll see more on our next tour (if it ever happens). But this is or was it, really fun and amazing. thanks a lot to the following for helping out out in any way:
Jonathan Hughes, Mellisa, Criket, Manny, Carlos, Magan, Javier, Roger, Dirty Dan & Todd, Beanzattack, Wally, Arin, Wiggley, Marcelo, Nick, Dan, Will, SweetTooth, Dave Seamen, Ulysses, Adam, The Attack, Beneath The Ashes, Reacción, George Moshington, Degrading Humanity, Debauchery, the Squints, Hobbis, The Rites, Cut The Shit, Deconditioned, and anyone else we forgot.

-Fri 7/11 - No Show :(
10 hours looking for a van!!!

-Sat 7/12 - Salt Lake City, UT
@ Uprok - 342 State St, w/ The Attack, Scabies, Princess Die

-Sun 7/13 - Denver, CO
@ Garageland - 2721 Walnut Ave, w/ Beneath The Ashes

-Mon 7/14 - Lawrence, Kansas
@ Burchum Park

-Tue 7/15 - Chicago, IL
@ 3259 S. Union, w/ 14 to Fight, Eske, Reacción

-Wed 7/16 - off

-Thur 7/17 - El Paso, TX

-Fri 7/18 - Albuquerque, NM
@ PoetryTV Studio, w/ Himsa, The Agony Scene, Haste, Noisear

-Sat 7/19 - Phoenix, AZ
@ 6841 N 29th Ave, w/ George Moshington, Coughing up Blood, The Kyds vs Columbus

-Sun 7/20 - Bell, CA
@ the Hall of Mirrors, w/ Bad Reaction (ex-Fields of Fire), Divided Lines, Anti-Genocide, Degrading Humanity, Out of Vogue

-Mon 7/21 - Talent, OR
@ Wiggleys Garage w/ The Squints, Hobis

-Tue 7/22 - Portland, OR
@ Murray's Pizza - 2211 S.E Hawthorne Blvd. w/ t.b.a

-Wed 7/23 - Seattle, WA
@ 2nd Ave. Pizza w/ Cut The Shit, The Rites, Cold Sweat, Last Waltz

-Thur 7/24 - Olympia, WA
@ The Midnight Sun - 113 Columbia St. NW - w/ Cut The Shit, The Rites, Deconditioned, Vindication, Friday Night Youth Service

-Fri 7/25 - Berkeley, CA
@ Gilman St w/WHN?, Artimus Pyle, The Rites, Cut The Shit, Funeral Chock

-Sat 7/26 - Chino Hills, CA
@ El Taco Nazo w/ WHN?, Conga Fury, Chainsaw, Voetsek, The Rites, Cut The Shit, RunaMucks