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Titchfield League of Gentlemen Amateur Rowing Club

Established 1830

The Boats

The club has a range of boats suitable for training or racing. All boats are maintained in good condition and members are expected to take an interest in maintaining these high standards. Winter work parties will refurbish boats are detailed by the club captain.

The current fleet includes:-


The club eight was bought in 2000 from Thames and is an Aylings 85kg boat named after the old Saxon name for the village.


Bought new in 1996 this Aylings Olympian was named after Titchfield Haven and bird sanctuary. The boat was bought for the ladies senior crew and is for an average crew weight of 70Kg.

"St Peter"

Given the name of the village church the Saint is a Sims 4+ built in 1993 for the mens senior crew. Now used mostly by the Vets it continues to be a competitive boat.


The clubs newest coxed four purchased new in 1999 for the mens seniors and built for an average crew weight of 90kg.


"Earl of Southampton"

Named after the third earl who dammed the haven and built the canal in the 16th Centuary. The boat bought second hand in 1997 is a Stampfli pair (or Double).

"Fidel Castro"

Built by Browns of Durham in wood, Fidel is still the fastest pair in the south and has won many races over the years for us and on loan to other clubs. The oldest boat in regular use.

"Karl Marx"

Wooden single coastal scull built around 1975 and bought second hand for training and competing in coastal competitions.


Wooden Stampfli river single bought new by the club in 1978 and named after the then Chairmans wife (?).

"Councillor Hilda Stomphorth"

Glyn Locke 85Kg Carbon single river scull bought new in 1992. I'm sorry but we seem to have no idea why this boat was named what it was.

"I'm with stupid"

Wooden single coastal scull bought new in 1988.

"The pink oboe"

Carbon single bought secondhand in 1995. Built by Burgashell and is for crews around 70Kg.


We have several other singles and training boats.