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Table of Contents: “The Rising Sun”



Section 1:  Learn about Babur and his ways of life

The Conquests of Babur

Rise of The Ottoman Turks

Expansion of the Empire

Religion in the Ottoman World

Ottoman Art


Section 2:  Adventure around the Safavid Dynasty

Rise of the Safavid Dynasty

Glory and Decline

Political and Social Structures


Section 3:  Learn about the Mogul Dynasty

Safavid Culture

The Mogul Dynasty

The British in India


Section 4:  Explore China and the Ming Dynasty

Mission to China

The Ming Dynasty

The Qing Dynasty


Section 5:  Learn about Economic Changes and Life in China

Economic Changes

Daily Life

Cultural Developments


Section 6:  Explore Japan and Europe

The Three Great Unifiers

Europeans in Japan

Tokugawa Rule

Economic and Social Changes









The Rising Sun

Published by:

Mr. Stidham


This magazine will tell you about what’s happening now.  It will bring you up on current events and help you to understand recent trading.  The Rising Sun” is full of fun and interesting facts.  Out reporters have worked very hard to create and understanding of recent events.  Thank you for reading “The Rising Sun”.






Editor:  Jenna Andreas


Production Editor:  Kegan K.


Reporter: Dottie Guy


Chief Writer: Kristina Scrpati


Artist/Photographer:  D.J.


Online Editor: Jacob A.













Issue date:  April 2004








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The Conquests of Babur

By:  Kristina Scarpati


          In Afghanistan the military adventurer Babur seized Kabul, increased his forces, armed them with invented firearms, and extended vision of conquest to the lands of India.  He had a force of eight thousand men armed with artillery, and Babur destroyed the army of the ruler of North India.  All this happened nine months before Babur’s army faced another Indian prince with a bigger army.

          Babur said these words to these forces today: “Let us, then, with one accord, swear on God’s hold word, that none of us will even think of turning his face from this warfare, nor desert from the battle and slaughter that ensues, hill his soul is separated from his body.”










Rise of the Ottoman Turks

By: Jenna Andreas


Today the Seljuk rulers gave a reward to the Ottoman Turks.  The Turks are beginning to build power in the northwest corner of the Anatolian Peninsula.  The Ottoman Turks helped defend the Seljuk Turk’s land from the Mongols.  Therefore they were being rewarded.  The Osman Turks are beginning to expand due to the Seljuk Empire declining.  Today we’re starting a new beginning of the Ottoman Dynasty.  The Ottomans are expanding westward and are said to start controlling the Bosporus and the Dardanelles.  Some people have said that the Ottomans will probably expand into the Balkans.  Today the Ottomans are developing an elite guard called janissaries.  They are mostly Christian, but will be converted into Islam. 







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Expansion of the Empire

By: Jenna Andreas


At this moment the Ottomans are moving to end the Byzantine Empire under the ruler Mehmet2.  There are 80 thousand troops going against seven thousand defenders.  The Ottomans have massive cannons that launch stone balls weighing up to 1,200 pounds.  They started the fight on April 6, 1453 and fought until May 29.  They fought for nearly 2 months.  The fight was rough and hard on the people, and not many people agreed with it.  The Byzantine emperor died in the last battle.  Mehmet2 saw the ruin and destruction of the city and commented, “What a city we have given over to plunder and destruction.”  As you can tell he wasn’t happy, but they destroyed it over a fight.






Religion in the Ottoman World

By: Jenna Andreas


The Ottoman people in the Anatolian Peninsula and throughout Western Asia were Sunni Muslims.  The Ottoman sultans job is to guide the flock and maintain Islamic law.  The sultans give their religious duties to a group of religious advisers called the ulema.  The ulema administer the legal system and schools.  This is a hard job to do but everyone agrees that they are right most of the time.  Islamic laws and customs apply to all Muslims in the empire.  The Ottoman system is generally tolerant to non-Muslims.  Non-Muslims must pay a tax.  Most people in the European areas remain Christian.  However, large numbers are converting to the Islamic faith. 
















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Ottoman Art

By: Jenna Andreas


Present day Ottoman sultans are very enthusiastic patrons of the arts.  Lately there has been a flourishing production of pottery, rugs, silk, jewelry and arms and armor.  Artists come from all over the world to compete for the generous rewards the sultan gives out.  Sinan has begun the first of his planned 81 mosques.  The first ones have been framed with four towers, or minarets.  The rugs that people have been making are very popular.  They are made from wool and cotton and the cotton comes from different regions.  Each rug has its own designs and colors.  Not many rugs are exactly alike. 








Rise of the Safavid Dynasty

By: Jenna Andreas


            About a week ago the empire of Timur Lenk collapsed.  The area extending from Persia into central Asia fell into anarchy.  A new dynasty called Safavids is now taking control.  Unlike most people think, many Islamic neighbors are Sunni Muslims.  The Safavids are ardent Shiites.

            The Safavid dynasty was founded by Shah Ismail.  Shah Ismail was the descendant of Safi Al-Din, it was founded about a month ago.  Safavid used to be the leader of a community of Turkish ethnic groups in Azerbaijan.  Azerbaijan is located near the Caspian sea. 

            Ismail has started to call himself Shah, which also means king.  He is kind of a new Persian state.  He has also conquered Baghdad.  Abba’s had to sign a peace treaty, he lost most of his territory yesterday. 













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Glory and Decline

By: Kegan K.


            One of our greatest rulers of Persia died about two weeks ago.  The year of 1629.  Shah Abbas ruled our country from 1588 to his death.  He strengthened our army, which he armed with the latest in weapons.

            Now after his death, the Safavid dynasty gradually lost its vigor, or lost its potential, its emotion.  Out society has fallen in its success in talent and political skills.  The power of Shiite religious element began to increase at court and in Safavid society at large.

            Now the Turks have taken advantage of this situation and seized our territories along the western border.  Persia sank into a long period of political and social anachy.








Political and Social Structures

By: Jenna Andreas


            Some people don’t know that Persia under the Safavids is a mixed society.  The Safavids are coming to power with the support of nomadic Turkish groups.  Right now the majority of the people are Persian.

            Safavid rulers are eagerly supported by Shiites.  The Shittes believe the founder of their empire was Shah Ismail.  Shah was a direct successor of the prophet Muhammad.  In return the Shahs declared Shia Islam to be the state religion.

            The Safavid Shahs play an active part in trade and manufacturing activity.  There is currently a large and affluent urban middle class involved in trade.  Most goods in the empire travel by horse or camel caravans.  The road is in bad condition but the government has provided resting places for the weary travelers.  The roads are kept clean of thieves and bandits.










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Safavid Culture

By: Kegan K.


            Today science, medicine and mathematics under the Safavids is equal to that of other societies in this region.  In addition, Persia witnessed an extraordinary flowering during the region of Shah Abbas from 1588 till just a year ago, which was of course 1629.

            The capital of Isfahan, built by Shah Abbas, is a grandiose planned city with wide spaces and a sense of order.  Palaces, mosques, and bazaars are arranged around a massive polo ground.  The mosques are immence and are richly decorated, and the palaces are delicate structures with slender wooden columns.  To adorn the building crafts people created imaginative metal work, elaborate tiles, and delicate glass vessels.








The Mogul Dynasty

By: Kegan K.


            Thirty-five years ago, in1500, the Indian subcontinent was still divided into a number of Hindu and Muslim kingdoms.   However, the moguls established a new dynasty and brought a new era to the region.  The Moguls were natives of India, but came from the mountainous region north of the Indus River valley. 

            The founder of the Mogul dynasty was Babur.  His father is a descendent from the great Asian conqueror Timur Lenk, and his mother, from the Mongul conqueror Gengh is Khan.  Babur inherited a part of Timur Lenk’s empire in an upland river valley of the Syr Darya.

            Babur’s forces are far smaller than those of his enemy’s, but they had advanced weapons, also used those to a great effect.  Babur captured Delhi and established his power in the plains of North India.  He continued his travel in North India until he dies five years ago in 1530 at the age of 47.











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The British in India

By: Kegan K.


            The arrival of the British had a quick decline of the Mogul Empire.  Last year, 1650, British ships carried Indian-made cotton goods to the East Indies, where they were traded for spices.

            British success in India attracted rivals, especially the French.  The French established their own forts on the east coast at Pondichery, south of Chennai at Surat, and in the Bay of Bengal for a brief period the French went on the offensive side capturing the British for at Chennai.

            The British were saved by the military genius of Sir Robert Clive, an aggressive British Empire builder; Clive eventually became chief representative in India of the east India company, a private company empowered by the British crown to act on its behalf. As chief representative it was Clive’s job to fight any force, French or Indian, that threatened the East Indian company’s power in India owning to Clive’s efforts, the French were ultimately restricted to the fort at Pondichery and a handful of small territories on the Southern coast.






Mission To China

By: Dottie Guy


            British official Lord George Macartney has been sent to lead a mission to china on King George the 3rd wishes.  George Macartney brought products from Britain that he thought would impress Emperor Qian long.

            King George was noted in writing a letter to the emperor stating: “No doubt the exchange of goods between nations far apart tends to their mutual convenience, industry and wealth.”

            Emperor Qianlong took this note as an un-impressing nonsense and responded: “You, O King, are so inclined toward our civilization that you have sent a special envoy across the seas… to present your native products as an expression of your thoughtfulness…as a matter of fact, the virtue and prestige of the celestial dynasty having spread far and wide, the kinds of the myriad nation’s come by land and sea with all sorts of precious things.  Consequently there is nothing we lack, as your principal envoy and other have themselves observed, we have never set much store on strange or ingenious objects nor do we need any more of your country’s manufactures.”  Once Macartney had received this response he had changed his mind about the Chinese and not to your surprise we didn’t trade with Britain.




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The Ming Dynasty

By: Dottie Guy


            The Ming Dynasty once very productive in the cultural development is now going downhill.  For the last couple of years, our civilization has been ruled by children.  Not yet able or knowledgeable to control a kingdom.

            The rulers before, however, were great at bringing culture and new technology into the kingdom.  Like Zheng He, who had started the serives of seven navel expeditions and took us the farthest were ever been all the way to the east coast of Africa.  Zheng he also established our routs to Africa, Japan, and South Asia.

            But one of our best leaders was also the first Hongwu emperor.  He defeated the Mongols and the Yuan dynasty.  He was also one of the 1st emperors who was a peasant.  This was good for us because since he has once been a peasant that made him more lenient to his people helping out the peasants.  He was not good at trade and stayed with his confusions ways and stuck to agriculture as the country’s source of wealth.  Hongwu made the military a class higher than any civil servant. 




Fall of the Quin Dynasty

By: Dottie Guy


            What once was a time of peace and prosperity has now fallen.  Today Tzu His, most likely the worse empress of our time, died of natural causes a day after she killed the emperor.  Tzu His on her deathbed left a 2 year old child in control of our people.  What happened to our once well-controlled nation?

            The impact of the west may have been a factor in drama.  When we cut off the Opium with Britain causing the wars and eventually leading to our now British colony’s.  Or maybe the region of Qianlong which brought many uprising caused by lack of government.  Whatever the cause may have been hopefully we can get a ruler like ones in the past before we become extinct. 













Page 9

Economic Changes

By: Jacob A.


            There is more that three hundred million people now, as opposed to 80 million back in 1391.  Due to a long period of peace and stability during the Qing dynasty, and a faster growing species of rice from southeast Asia increased the food supply.  But because we have a larger population it means there is less land for our families.

            The Bosses tried to make more land b stopping wealthy people from owning a lot of land ; but all the land that could be farmed is being farmed and that makes people mad.

            Then merchants and manufactures are now expanding into silk, porcelain, cotton, goods, and other things, though we haven’t developed commercial capitalism like Europe.











Daily Life

By: Dottie Guy


            Here in our society we organize around our families.  Family is very important to us, a family is expected to provide for the members needs.  Education for children, support of unmarried daughters and the care of olans, which consists of hundreds of related family.  Some of which all live under the same roof.

            The male play a huge role in the family life.  Male can divorce a wife who doesn’t produce a son also have more than one wife, but in doing so much be able to take care of them all.  Women in our society have little power and are considered inferior to men.  The process of having your feet bound is away to show that the women doing so become more marriageable.  Although we do this trend there are many culture who don’t like it, and only half of 2/3 of our women population do so.  The women whom work in the field or in a middle spot have to keep their feel unbound.






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Cultural Developments

By: Kristina Scarpati


This morning the Chinese novel made a new form of literature.  Works in this literary form started to get really popular.  You all should consider reading many to be the first realistic social novel.  The story depicts the corrupt life of a wealthy landlord.

            Another great one you should read is called, “The dream of the Red Chamber” By Cao Zuegin.  As you know it is considered China’s most distinguished novel.  We will be publishing it today.  It tells us the story of tragic love between two young people caught in the financial and moral disintegration pf a Chinese clan.







The Three Great Unifiers

By: Kristina Scarpati


            Today in out country Japan, the three great unifiers are Oda Nobunaga and his will be the 1st to seize the imperial capital of Kyoto.  The second unifier that is here today is Toyotemi Hideyoshi who is the farmers son.  And here is Tokugaua Ieyasu.  He will be taking care of Japan.  Also, people today: European Merchants will be the 1st to go.  Only a small Dutch community in Nagasaki will be allowed to remain in Japan.
















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Europeans in Japan

By: Kristina Scarpati


            The first Europeans will be arriving today.  Portugeuse ships will arrive at Japanese ports to take part in the regional trade between us, china, and southeast Asia.  All these visitors will be welcome.  Oda Nobunaga and Touotomi Hideyoshi found the new firearms are enemies and unifying the islands.



Tokugawa Rule

By: Kristina Scarpati


            This afternoon are tokugawa rulers will set out to establish control our feudal system that we have governed for over three hundred years.  Our state will be divided into about 250 separate territories and each will be ruled by Daimyo. Out Daimyo is required to maintain twho residences, one on our lands and one in Edo, where their court of the shchun will be located. 




Economic and Social changes

By: Kegan K.


            A major economic change took place under the Tokugawa.  Since the 14th century has many upper-class Japanese, influenced by Confucianism had considered trade and industry beneath them.  Under the Tokugawa, trade and industry began to flourish as never before, especially in the growth of cities f Edo, Kyoto, and Osaka.

            This year, 1750, Edo had a population over a million and is one of the largest cities in to world.  Banking flourished, and paper money became the normal medium of exchange in business transactions.  A Japanese merchant class emerged and began to play a significant role in the life of the Japanese nation.

            Some farm families’ benefit by exploiting the growing demand for cash crops.  Most peasants, however, experienced both declining profits and rising costs and taxes.  Many were forced to become tenants of to work as hired help.  When rural conditions became desperate, some peasants revolted.  Almost seven thousand peasant revolts and demonstrations against high taxes took place during the Tokugawa Era.






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