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The Scriptures

The Law and Gospel

We believe that the scriptures teach that the Law of God is the eternal and unchangable rule of His moral government; that it is holy, just and good; and the inability which which the Scriptures ascribe to fallen men to fulfill its precepts, arise entirely from their love of sin; to deliver them through a Mediator to unfeigned obedience to the holy law, is one of the Means of Grace connected with the establishment of the visible church.

A Gospel Church

We believe that the scriptures teach that the visible church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers, associated by covenent in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel; observing the ordinance of Christ; governed by His laws; and exercizing the gifts, rights and privileges invested in them by His Word; it officers' qualifications, claims and duties are defined in the Epistles to Timothy and titus.

Baptism and the Lord's Supper

>P>We believe that the scriptures teach that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, into the Name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost; to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem, our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savioiur, with its effect, in our death to sin and resurection to a new life; that it is a prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation; d to the lord's Supper, in which the church, by the sacred use of bread and wine, are to commemorate together the dying love of Christ; preceded always by solemn self-examination.

The Lord's Day

We believe that the scriptures teach that the first day of the week is the Lord's Day and to be kept sacred to religious purposes by the devout observance of all the means of grace, both private and public, and by the preparation for that rest that remaineth for the people of God.

Civil Government

We believe that the scriptures teach that civil government is of Divine appointment, for the interest and good order of human society; and that magistrates are to be prayed for, concientiously honored and obeyed; except only in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only Lord of conscience, and the Prince of the Kings of the earth.

Righteous and Wicked

We believe that the scriptures teach that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked; that such only as through faith are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and sanctified by the Spirit of our God, are truly righteous in His esteem; while all such as continue in impenitence and unbelief are in His sight wicked, and under the curse; and this distinction holds among men both in this life and after death.

The World to Come

We believe that the scriptures teach that the end of the world is approaching and the last day Christ will descend from heaven and raise the dead from the grave for a final retribution; that a solemn separation will then take place; that the wicked will be adjudged to endless punishment, and the righteous to endless joy; and that this judgment will fix forever the final state of men in heaven or hell, on principles of righteousness.

Promise of the Father

We believe that the scriptures teach that all believers are entitled to, and should expect, and earnestly seak, the promise of the Father, the Baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire, according to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the normal experience of the early Christian Church. With it comes the enduement of power for life and service, the bestowment of gifts and their uses for ministry. This is distinct from, and subsequnt to, the experience of the new birth.

The evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost

We believe that the scriptures teach that the baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is witnessed by the physical sign of speaking with other tounges as the Spirit of God gives them utterance.

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