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  The How-To's Of Being "Saved"



                              How To Get Saved


·                                 The first thing you need to do is to believe that Christ died on the cross of you. Also you need to believe in Christ  that he is the Lord.


·                     Now if you want to become a Christian and get in to heaven you'll pray this prayer.


Lord I confess that I am a sinner and Jesus died on the cross for me and gave me the gift of eternal life. Forgive me of my sins and come in my life and make me a true follower of you the Lord. Amen


The ten commandments witch you should follow are:


1.Thall shall not covet thy neighbor  6.Thall shall not have any false God


2.Thall shall not steal                          7.Thall shall not forget the Sabbath Day


3. Thrall shall not murder                     8. Thrall shall  honor thy father and mother


4.Thall shall not commit adultery        9. thall shall not say God's name in vane


5.Thall shall not lie                             10.Thall shall love the lord with all the heart,                                                                               strength, and might


Now open your bible to Romans2:1-4.


What do you think of that passage.


Now you should try to pray every night. Again like I said I'll probably be getting a devotion page. If you are wanting to know about some cool things that will happen read the Left Behind Kids or Adult Series. But the best book is the Bible.