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Reasons why JMU is better than the other ‘Uni’ in Liverpool



JMU Just look how good our uni is


LSU The place to be – any day of the week



If there was actually a need for it anyway


§       We work for about 3  hours a day (not 6)

§       We work for about 3 days a week (not 5)

§       We still get a degree

§       Our lectures start at 10am and finish by bout 3 (we don’t do 9-5)

§       Our halls aren’t several miles from our Uni

§       We didn’t have to try to get in to OUR Uni

§       JMU isn’t full of posh boys

§       Our union is open until 2am 6 days a week

§       We thrashed you in the Varsity match



Don’t even get me started on Hope… you wish you were a UNIVERSITY.