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Who is Kaylee

Kaylee v. Tangerveld
SpiritsDen Reg'd
Quality Rottweilers
R.R. # 4
Mount Forest, Ontario, N0G 2L0

Kaylee is our Rottweiler.
She is a Dutch dog, we took her with us when we moved from Holland.

Kaylee a strong and muscular dog with a thick and shiny coat.
Her weight is 40.00 kg or 89 lbs.
Her height is 60 cm or 23 1/2 inch.
She has dark eyes, dark with some pink spotted gums and a scissor bite.
She is born February 8, 2001
The breeder is: H.J. Nieuwenhuis, by Chyee-Digger v. 't Huize Quwandor ex Rosanne.
Her hips and elbows are certified on January 20, 2004
Certificate No: 019795

When she was just a little puppy I took her to the puppycourse but the only thing that she liked there was the 10 minutes playtime before and after the course.
As soon as we had to call our puppies she waited untill all the other puppies were beside their owners and then, when there was nobody to play with anymore, she came to me.
Running around on the leach was just because I was on the other end pulling her with me, she hated it.

The move from Holland to Canada had a big impact on her, here she can run around do whatever she wants to do, she seems to be a lot happier here than in Holland.
Untill october 2004 she was just our pet, running around on our property and trying to scare all the visitors that stop by our house.

Like almost every dog here in Canada, she has met a Porcupine (twice) the first time it was on a sundaynight (of course) and we had to go to the vet, she pulled them all out and we counted them, over 100 quils that came out of her face, mouth and front paws.
The second time she was a little more careful by attacking the porcupine but still not carefull enough, we pulled about 30 quills out of her nose (outch) and her front paws.
She doesn't learn from it, she wants to take revenge so she goes out again to try and catch the porcupine again.

She also met the skunk (twice), first time was when I had organized a Tupperware Party with my neighbour in our basement.
Steve took Kaylee out for a walk and soon returned back home, skunked.
The girs in the basement didn't really liked that when Steve came downstairs to tell me what happened...
The second time was even worse, she got skunked the night before our first show.
I had every thing ready to go, Kaylee was washed and her nails were done, she smelled nice and was shiny and soft.
Then Steve took her for a short walk and Kaylee got skunked in the field.
I tried everything but nothing helped so I gave up, we are going for the looks not for the way she was smelling.
I am soooo sure the judge smelled it, even the other handlers were complaining about the smell when they came closer to Kaylee (and me..)
But we ended up pretty good, so we must have done something right.
We did our first show at the Trillium in Toronto in october 2004 and we ended up Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex.