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Xmas 2002



The background  music is "If Everyday Was Like Christmas" by Elvis Presley



Christmas is very special to me, for many reasons. One of them is that my family was "a family" at this time of year. My father seemed to mellow in December and even though his alcohol intake did not decrease, the level of his anger seemed to. He even would try to make the day special for us by getting up first to see if Santa had been to our house. We were not to go downstairs until he had put the lights on the tree and turned the stereo on. I wish I still had that A&P album. It was so scratchy, so warn with love.

I suspect that everyone experiences the Christmas season differently. Most of us have our own traditions, carried on from childhood and those who don’t are making their own traditions for themselves and their families. The season tends to be one in which we spend more quality time with our families and the people who are important in our lives. We reach into our pockets to leave a few dollars in the bag for the Santa ringing his bell or we buy extra food for the food bank. The point is many of us step out of our busy lives and into a distant time or into the lives we wish we could lead. It almost seems as though our capacity for loving blooms with the season.

I find so much enjoyment in thinking about gift giving, starting usually in late October, but then I’m a Christmas lover! I look around for things I think will be just right for the important people in my life. It’s the time of year, when everything I look at seems to have someone else’s name on it! It really doesn’t matter what store I am in, I can almost inevitably find something that my Budly will love or that Sid will find funny or useful!

I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I love that complete strangers in the grocery store are smiling and being warm with others. I relish in being able to talk to other exhausted shoppers over a cup of coffee. Is it just me or is "have you finished your shopping yet?" the most common question in December. Rivaling "is it hot enough for you?" in August. I get special enjoyment sending out Christmas cards and yes, receiving them too!

Have a look at the kids decorating the tree on this page. Wow, how that took me back to childhood and to making those family memories with my own family. We strung popcorn garlands for hours, drank eggnog and listened to Christmas albums all night long. I always sang along because, well that’s just what I do! It makes me smile just thinking about decorating the tree with the ones I love.

I know too what it’s like to be alone at this time of year. It’s sad, lonely and can easily leave people feeling despondent. Please take some of your valuable time this Christmas and spend it with someone who may really need you. Visit an old age home, a shelter for the homeless or a hospital. Spread peace, joy, love and goodwill. After all, that’s what Christmas is. It’s not about gifts at all. It’s about loving each other and taking the time to really show how much you value and appreciate them.

I wish you and your families every joy of this holiday season, health and happiness in the coming year and I hope that you are able to count your many blessings. Please check below for a special gift from me to you.

Have a very Merry Christmas!


Here are some of the beautiful gifts I have received. Thank you so much. They are just beautiful!


Thanks Katrina for your gift. He's really nice!





Below are two gifts from me to you and your family. Please right click and save the images to your own server. Hope you enjoy them!




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