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Darin Fate

Wrestling Name: Darin Fate
Nickname: n/a
Home Town: Albany, NY
Height: 6"1
Weight: 198 lbs.
Favorite Quote: " Don't get caught DARIN' your FATE!!"
Inspiration: Barry Horowitz, Steve Lombardi
Trademark: N/a
Finisher: Fate-Maker

Background: Student @ university of South Carolina
-Former Army Sergeant in legal ops. Former OMEGA Cursier Weight Champion

History: During a 6 month tour in Centeral America doing counter
drug operations and contra suppression, Darin Fate saw his future
in a near death experience. From that vision, he decided to
make an impact on the world by wrestling professionally.

~Non- Wrestling Info
Favorite TV show: Brady Bunch
Favorite Band: Marilyn Manson
If you weren't a wrestler what would you be: GOD

Best Advice: " Don't de afraid to meet you FATE!"