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The Mysterious Beauty-Alexandra

Alex slips inside Jeremy Wilson's suite, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. As she softly closes the door behind her, she smiles to herself. Making her way through the living room, she sidesteps clothes that lay scattered on the floor, as well as books, and a variety of other items. Against the sofa, she could make the outline of Jeremy's prized guitar. Picking it up she holds it in her hands. The memories of her time with Jeremy coming back to her mind. The nights and days they spent together were good ones and ones she thought would never end. Although as things turned out, Jeremy did not feel the same.. Looking down at what she holds, she recalls the times he had sung to her, and how much she enjoyed it. His singing voice as beautiful as the rest of him. Then, she remembered why she had come. Putting the guitar back where she found it, she then continues her way through the suite. Finally finding him asleep in his bed. Creeping inside the room, she stands beside the bed. His image outlined by the low light coming from the hallway. For how long she stood, admiring his profile she did not know. But then once more, she recalled why she came and it is then she reaches out a hand to his bare shoulder. Nudging him gently as she whispered his name.

Alex~ " Jeremy, wake up."

He moved a little then, pulling the sheet higher on his waist. His long dark hair covering half his face as he buried his head deeper into the pillows.

Alex~ "Jeremy wake up. Its me, Alex."

Mumbling a little he turned over onto his back. Alex now leaning over to run her fingers down his chest.

Alex~ " I am not asking again Jeremy… now WAKE UP!!!".

As her voice raised and filled the room. Jeremy did as she asked. His dark eyes snapping open then focusing on the person now leaning over him.

Jeremy- " Alex?.. What the hell.."

Alex~ " Shhhh, Its alright. I am not going to hurt you. Not yet anyway."

His mind now pulling itself together and taking control of the situation, Jeremy tries to move. It is then she places the tip of the knife she held, against his bare stomach.

Alex~ " I wouldn’t move just yet, golden boy. Unless you want to find the bed your in full of blood."

Jeremy- "Alex, what is this?. What are you doing here?. It’s the middle of the damn night."

Alex~ " I am sorry to interrupt your sleep Jeremy, but this is the only way I can talk to you."

His eyes go to the knife she held, still pressed against his skin.

Jeremy- " Well, you have gotten my complete attention so the floor is yours. Talk away".

Alex~ " I thought as much. Although I was hoping that you might have the dim witted Maria with you."

Jeremy- " What does Maria have to do with anything?".

Alex~ "Nothing, its just fun to watch her take up for you… "Frank". Not that it gets her anywhere of course. But she is good for a little comic relief."

Alex runs the knife past his stomach, as she slowly smiles.

Alex~ "So, do you still have the habit of sleeping in the nude?".

Her hand goes lower, as her smile, grows wider. Her touch making him squirm.

Alex~ " I see you do…"

Jeremy- " Alex just come to the point, then leave. I need some sleep."

Removing her hand from under the sheet, she reaches into her pocket. Making sure to keep the knife in contact with him as she does.

Alex~ " I want you to read something."

Jeremy- " You want me to what?!?. You break in here, wake me up from probably the best sleep I had in weeks.. To ask me to READ SOMETHING?".

Alex~ " I would suggest you do not raise your voice to me again Jeremy. But yes, to answer your question. I want you to look at something I kept all these years. I am thinking, it might help jog that memory of yours."

She holds out what appears to be a newspaper clipping. Jeremy slowly taking it from her hand. Then, as he does, she flips on the light beside the bed.

Alex~ " There, that should help you read it better."

Jeremy- " What would help more is for you to put that knife down."

Alex~ "Only if you promise to be a good boy."

A small frown comes into his face as he looks up at her.

Jeremy- " Whatever you want Alex, just lose the knife."

Stepping back, she replies.

Alex~ " Just don't try anything stupid. Now read.."

This too, he does. His face showing only slight emotion as he scans the article. Then, once he is done, he hands it back.

Jeremy- " I don’t see the importance of this. "

Alex~ " Of course you don't. Because that was written by Jason the day after Tatiana died in that car crash, along with Brandon. Talk about your damage control."

Jeremy- " Alex, what is it your trying to get at by this?".

Alex~ " Only that from day one, you have done nothing but back pedal this whole thing and covered your tracks. Not just you, but Nick and Torrie as well."

Jeremy- " Just how do you know that Jason wrote this?. Why would he?".

Alex~ " Because Jason would do any and everything to protect his family. Something that you don’t seem to share with your own. That article has his name all over it, and as you can see tells the version of truth that you and Nick needed. But some of us know the REAL truth."

Jeremy- " Really, and that is what?".

Alex~ " That your a murderer Jeremy. You’re a murderer walking free and living another man's life."

Jeremy- " This is bloody insane. Your insane."

Alex~ " I am running out of patience with you and Nicholas both. I told you what I wanted and I have still yet to get it."

Jeremy slowly reaches for his cigarettes, lying on the table beside him. Lighting one up.

Jeremy- " Maybe because Nick and I didn’t DO anything. I am dammed if I admit to something I never did."

Alex~ " Do you think I am the only one that knows about this?. You and Nicky might have covered it well enough to get by all these years, but you couldn’t hide the true facts about that night and my sister from me, or from your best friend, Setzer."

Jeremy- " I don't even know that dumbass Alex. Again this is just something you and he drew from the air."

Alex~ " Oh no, we know.. we have always knew. What reason would he or I have to lie for?. Why do you think Setzer drinks so much Jeremy?".

He inhales on his cigarette, and then slowly begins to laugh.

Jeremy- " Oh I say he has a lot of reasons. His life sucks.. He's a loser.. No one gives a shit about him anymore.. the list goes on."

Alex~ " Try the fact that he cant live any longer with knowing what you and Nick have done. Or with the memories of how you betrayed the friendship the two of you had. You were as close as brothers, you and Setzer. No matter how much you deny even knowing the man. "

Jeremy- " I DO NOT KNOW HIM ALEX, I WAS NEVER HIS FRIEND. Now get that through your head. I don’t know what the two of you think your doing by bringing this all back up, but I am through playing this game."

Alex~ " Your half right Jeremy, you are about through and so is Nicholas . Its time you and he both paid for your crimes."

Jeremy- " And you and Setzer feel you can make that happen?. Neither of you together could come up with enough intelligence to pull that off. I loved your sister Alex, more then anyone I have ever known. We were expecting a child.. Why would I end that or the happiness we shared?. As for Brandon.. I live every day of my life missing him. Now there are your facts."

His dark eyes burn with anger as he stares at her. Alex remaining silent for several seconds before speaking again.

Alex~ " Your lies have condemned you Jeremy, as well as your sister. If your not careful.. they will also bring harm to the people around you. Maria, maybe even Sencerity. "

Jeremy- " Don't you EVEN threaten them, do you understand me?".

Alex~ " Then accept what you have done, and take what's due you."

Still holding the clipping in his hand, Jeremy wads it up , then drops it to the floor.

Jeremy- "Get out of this suite Alex, before I help you out the door myself."

Alex~ " Its that hair trigger temper of yours Jeremy that has caused all this trouble in the first place. But I shall leave, for now. But keep in mind what I said. We are running out of patience with you and Nicky both."

And with those words hanging in the air, Alex leaves Jeremy, and the suite he occupied. Her threats still hanging in the air, long after she had gone.