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no more soccer!.
Aug 20. 2005

last day. had an awesome morning on camp! was really cool.

been a mad week. lost my debit card on sat, then had my cards rejected at stores. was terrible, went to this one store and picked up say 200 bucks worth off clothes and was bout to pay when my card got declined. wery wery embarassing!!!

been working in a place called rancho cucamonga, near alta loma, LA this week! stopping with an awesome family, the Judson's. it has been an amazing week!

right off to the mall to buy me a flag, and some pressies. hope you guys got the post cards i sent.

last day of soccer then i am coming home!!

see you soon

matt xx

Aug 12. 2005

my head hurts.went out in long beach with this guy called speaky and mike. was quality. had a few beers...woke up on speaky's couch with him cooking breakfast for me...mushrooms and eggs. yum. working in redondo beach this week. about 5 miles from baywatch beach.

seriously: the women out here are AWESOME. a different class...amazing. just hot...mike was milking his scottish accent...which is good, gets the ladies talking to us. he is a bit of a legend!!!!!!!!!

the weather has been pretty cool. not as hot. my last week next week. looking forward to being home

oh beat this back home: i am going to disneyland, well might go if i can get there. we got some free tickets. should be good.

matt xxx

Aug 9. 2005
HAPPY BIRHTDAY ALICE!! nice on shitty pants...have an awesome day. missing ya lots and lots. cant wait till i am home. hope things are good. mail me some pics from the BBQ!!

Tuesday: pretty good day. going to prob catch a film. went to baywatch beach...good stuff. thats about it. i like redondo beach it looks nice. check it.

matchiboy xxxxxx

Aug 7. 2005.

TIJUANA PIECE OF ME???...err no thanks
werd. ok went to mexico last night...TJ (tijuana. real dump. you mexicans need to sort yourselves out. i think i am in love with downtown san diego. had a bbq on a beach on some island off downtown SD. was sweet with Mallories (host daughter) soccer club.

arrived in redondo beach today...drove through newport beach, long beach errr laguna beach..etc etc. jealous? i would be. not far from manhatten beach (sp?) where they filmed bay watch. good times. right i am sleeping

love match

Aug 6. 2005
it has been awesome week. started off in scary style...went to watch Devils Rejects in downtown SD, with Lara and Eddie and their mate, that was coolio. didnt sleep well. then the lads made me watch the grudge, which ment i sleep even less well!! wat else? errr spent loads of money on clothes and new boots, errr might be going to mexico today at some point! oh...this stinks
i have been sleep talking really bad...and walking now. this is scary!!!
went out for a sexy mexicano meal last night. was very nice. good times...a few beers, some girls had a bitch fight on the table next to our, a guy got involved...then it calmed down and the food came! good food...good times!
thats about it....right i got to go get showered and do stuff....4 days till ali is 19!!!
in a bit sirs and madams

clammy aka matchiboy! xx

damn, damn...had my bag stolen and all my pics went digi cam was in there which is poop. i also had my cleets (boots) and other stufff. bit of a bugger really. and ohh yeh we lost a car today...huh?
july 31. 2005
ok...another week. another dollar. i have spent the week working in a place called lancaster again. it has been pretty sweet. i stopped with an english family for a few days (thanks the petty's you were ace!) and also with an amerciano family...cheers pauline! it has been pretty mad. went clubbing in victorville, some redkneck place in the middle of nowhere, and one of the coaches got offered like 600 bucks to spend the night with a man...errr we got a ride home for an hour and half with some looks like eva longoria, that was pretty wild...also ended up in a seedy strip club twice. dont ask. wont be back there. good times serious, no crap there was a 30 stone woman doing it. grosse! dont think i will ever go back to one of those again! well this week i am in el cajon in san diego. this week is going to be wild i hope and fun. lets see. keep in touch punks not heard from some of you in a while. lorry poo head... i forgot your postal card. whoops. will sort myself out. wehre is my pressie btw?
right...must dash.
mucho love and rock on the jeagga bombs...mmmmm good times and bad heads. 3 weeks and i am back
got the new mraz it is coolio. buy it. loving america and looking forward to being home.

hey you up in the sky...learning to fly

I have just had a mucho pleasant afternoon in downtown san diego. check out the home of san diego padres baseball...very impressive. saw the house of blues..."oh my god oh my god the house of blues..wooohoooo": howie day is playing there next month. went and popped in on a friends shop in downtown...opposite TGIF. awesome little shop...was cool to go in and say "hello"...

today i have been doing a chilling thing. i think i love oasis. man 'rock n roll star'=tune.

all you mraz fans....three days to go. saw it advertised in the shops, but my frigin camera is busted. this is not good. oh oh oh oh go to: just about here and watch tristan prettyman's new vid for her single, off her new album. 10 days till 23 is out...the vid is preety good, defo worth a watch.

supersonic...busy busy


this is from SLO-san luis obispo (sp???). went out for a few beers, sorry ciders. aj got, aj, miney (pictured in his rather tastefull tshirt), daz and sir aaron (sp? again) that was probably a month ago. megan is on the left...nice!

i have got a red nose!!!!

mike seduces ladies with his accent. well done. good work dude.

July 23. 2005.

its bloody saturday at 0755. man what am i doing awake at this time\? where is the lie in?

Last Night>>>>>went to San Diego's 'Gaslamp' /district last night...was sweet. TGI's for Paola...hope your service is better than the oaf who served us last night. whats the craic with beer in 22oz??? Fosters tho.

click on the pic...
here is a bit of what the gaslamp district looks like. basically a bit like cheltenham (but good). You can see TGI's on the left. was there...tequilla was ok...good times.

going to palmdale this week. i have been working with birdy and carl in mira mesa and now carl and i will move upto palm dale (in mojave) and work with john, steve and these two new lady coaches who are coming out. should be another quality week: check the report

here is the weather report for palmdale

serious: i broke my camera. cant go to street scene i dont waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to far away. poo

July 22. 2005. end of the week: wooooooooohooo

went to the ucsd campus on wed was quality...not been doing loads. went out last night to an irish bar, fake i'd worked a treated! what else? errrr ohhh played golf..well went on the driving range yday that was also quality. been a good week. off to the mall now. in a bit. san diego rocks. ohhh ohhhh be jealous...this weekend, no next weekend, it is san diego's street scene. a massive party in the streets with tops bands such as the killer, blakc eyed peas, death cab for cutie and loads and loads more. check it out in google. be jealous!

clAmmY xxxx

July 18. 2005.
My nose is red...i burnt my nose...owch. yeh i look stupid, i look like that guy scares me! pie, i just found a reminder from you on my phone about kieran! what?!!?!?!?!

had a good day today, although i have had enough of coaching 4 year olds!!!! arggggh!

the weather down here is rocking, less desert like, altho you cant be 100 plus degrees really can you?!!?

i am stopping with a nice mexian family, they are cool in a place called misa mesa. i am missing the guys from last week, greg and maryAnn, they were great. will try and post some pics soon i guess.

howie day= legend

cant stop listening to the australia album or his new one...oh oh oh oh go to and buy his new album; s'pose to be coolio...loas good bands on: South you would love it out here dude!

much love clammy x

ps;ali whats the craic down is aus?

pps; sis mail me...will post you a parcel sometime.

July 16. 2005. werd:

Megan i have been trying to mail you, but they keep getting kicked back at me. errr well try mail me again.

finshed camp today, was pretty cool. i am glad it is over. looking forward to next week: fingers crossed i am going to be near the coast. that would be awesome. i really want to check out SD more not really seen much and i wanna see anya marina i concert.

i could do with a shower

peace x

click on the on the pic

this is me about to go 'tubing' on the colorado river. sweet.
July 15. 2005.
In memory of the many nights spent watching scrubs guys....remember series 2? remember episode 18: probably the most watched episode of scrubs ever on the "" corridor:
JP: "hey the cheat, wanna watch some srubs dude?" Matt: "Lud, sounds like a plan...wanna see the T.C.W?"
here is a funny bit/part/section:
J.D.: Nice day, huh?
Janitor: You always gotta have something to say, don't ya? Old nosy nelly, always gotta throw his two cents in.
J.D.: O...kay, I'm--I'm sorry about the "nice day" thing. How can I make this right?
Janitor: What's it, uh, biscuit and gravy day?
J.D.: Yeah.
Janitor: Just give me one of them biscuits.
J.D. picks up one of his biscuits and tosses it to the Janitor. It bonks him in the face.
J.D.: [weakly] I thought you were ready.

that is so much funnier on TV...still ohhh the memories...
whats going on guys back home? it is pretty steady this week. i am in beaumont...bout 30 miles from palm springs. may have said that already. watched war of the worlds this week nand also went to this theme park: lets say it wouldnt have looked out of place on the simpsons as one of those parks which are falling apart.
nothing else is happening really: pretty tame, had a fun week. i feel sorry for this guy kev who is working with me he has this crappy host family! man they are weird...she beats her kids with a ping pong bat and mad a "house announcement" that they cant eat tomAToes anymore...she is wacko!
i am going to chill and watch some more MTV.
peace the cheat/clamy/matt/matty/mattymattymoomoo or what ever else you call me...furlong?
ps lorrypoo send me something funny already!!!

some time today-ish. July 2005.
check the picsDown by the riverside on the colorado river. its me, dan, dom, sarah (dan and doms cousin) and jayme (16? thought she was older!)
more pics click here: Gerrick and Kiki= ace kidos
clicky clicky long time mr. welcome to arizona, where the sun is hot and the river is dry
Lads on the lash Well i couldnt really cuz i am only 20- grrrrr but got served in hooters: $20 for a pitcher on guiness. still got pretty drunk=good times i guess! this is me, carl, darren, aj and psycho mark...
just figured these pics out so i am on a roll: rock on. cant remember what this pic is of: maybe Edwards Airforce Base in the Mojave
July 12. 2005
Bring it on. Had my first day coaching the kids at the new camp. tough to get back in to it after 10days off. went really well. what else is going down? errr nothing just that i got 2:1 baby! i rock.
the cheat

RANDOM in the words of a scotsman: PISH'

July 11. 2005
Woah: what a week. Been away with the sparks water skiing and stuff at the colorado river! it was FABTASTICAL! really good to catch up with them. it was a cool. I am in cherry Valley right now: somewhere by Palm Springs! it is nice out here. miss pheonix tho: stopped with a brill family: THE ALLARDS! right i gto to dash mucho love the cheat
July 5. 2005
going to the colorado river with the Sparks today until Friday! should be ace: wake baording and chilling sounds good! HAPPY JULY 4th btw everyone: went to the "chill" party last night by all accounts it was "dank" so had fun! beer and food=good times!
missing you guys at home, but not toooooooo mucho cuz the weather out here is so "dank man" "late" matt ps: all words in "" are American and i have no idea what they mean!
July 2. 2005
END OF THE WEEK! this is my last night in Arizona! been an awesome week! check out online for: supersition mountain. such a beautiful mountain and it framed the soccer pitch every morning and evening! the kids were great, i have eaten wayyyyyy too much candy this week! will miss my host family, the allards (sp?) they have been amazing, and if i am back this way will defo pop in and have a cup of tea!
went rock climbing today, was fun, but i suck baaaaad!
missing home, but not tooooo much cuz it is like 100degrees here and it doesnt rain and i get to play soccer!!!!! sorry football! Ali, missin ya! email me little sis, i have sent you a few mails but not heard from ya! in a bit
m xx


RAndom>>>>!!! I have seen the all accounts "Jesus isnt just the answer" can now access God via KNEEMAIL...thanks Miney
hot hot hot in arizona.
June 26. 2005
ewww ate junk food all day! pooop! it is good now, i am stopping with a lovely family just outside pheonix, in their massive house which has views of the mountains and their cool laguna styleeee pool! it is all gravey right now! i said good bye to Aaron, a local coach who was sound as a pound this weekend, next week i am with the sparks! ace! this week should rock, me miney and the arizona ladies.... Arizona is pretty cool, i mean very about 115 degrees most the time...outside is unbareable! this is americas hottest state! ohh went on highway 10 today, which is the longest road in the world...travelled about 1000 miles this weekend. night
rock on clamey xx
June 25. 2005
heading to san diego today before a mamouth journey to arizona, near pheonix! going to some art show down in SD at some place owned by a cool girl i meet on the plane out here!!! sweet! ciao paso rables...come on SD and AZ! mf
they call aunt bessies aunt jemimas out here...sweet!
check it lancaster jet hawks
June 19. 2005
Paso Robles: Northern Cali. Stopping with sa nice family who are hosting the camp in their place. pretty sweet! Drove for miles today, from North Cali to South Cali to North Cali again! went out in San Diego last night was ace. went to hooters...cheesey but i likeeeeeeeeeee itsaaaaa niceeeeeeeee! peace mf: aka clamy
June 17. 2005
End of the week! Totally lost my voice and am so tired. there was another earthquake just off the coast of LA, around 6.8 on the richter Scale this time! i think a big one is coming! The parents and kids are ace out here, i had to sign balls and have photos taken and kids buying me presents! was an ace way to end the week! I went to watch the lancaster jet hawks baseball team last night, theyare like 4th division but have a huge stadium and everything. was brilliant! Next week i think i am out in arizona or in las vegas. fingers crossed for vegas huh? also i am feed up of lemonade in clubs, i want beer. i need fake i'd dudes and dudettes!!!
June 14. 2005
Day Two: Little kids and soccer, sorry football, dont go! oh no! Was a tough day today, trying to get 14 6 year olds to stand in line in 100+ temps is hard enough let alone trying to get them to run around and play soccer! Im going dirt bike riding tomorrow i think, then hitting up a bar! I need fake i'd, anyone with a driving license i can buy email me...only had one beer since i left england, and that cost me $5, for Miller light.

Im on Edward's A.F.B, which is just desert, with 20,000 US airforce people on it...check out the movie THE RIGHT STUFF, and it gives you a glimps about what this place is like, the lakes are dry you can walk accross the lake beds!

June 13. 2005
hey everyone, first post from america! get this, i flew all the way from england, yes nearly 4,000 miles and end up on an airforce base just outside LANCASTER, Ca. The base is ace, a massive airforce base, and i live with a family who are in the airforce. the kids were great. OH YEH WE HAD AN EARTHQUAKE ON SUNDAY MORNING IN SAN DIEGO! 5.6 on the Richter Scale! pretty cool.
btw before i go, just thought i would let you know it is 102 degrees out here in the mojave desert.
June 10. 2005
The picture gallery has been added:
see the last just about here-ish
Aunty Lyn and Uncle Bill came round for a bit of BBQ food prepared by Royst (aka Dad). This time tomo I will be on the plane on my way!
California here i come!!!!!

June 9. 2005
Two days to go till I arrive in much to do, so little time. One thing is trying to get this webpage to work so all you pookies can keep a check on me. I also dont own any shorts, which is bad considering i am going to cali: here is the weather report Keep checking this page, I am going to try and figure out this html stuff...mail me: