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{...Trent Reznor...}
~The Devil's Thirst~

-- Trent Stuff --

Gallery & AIM Buddy Icons
NIN Song Lyrics
NIN Music
Trent Reznor Bio
Fan Stuff

+ TrenT ReznoR +
+ GoD of MusiC +

Trent Reznor, of the band Nine Inch Nails (NIN) is one of the most amazing artists there is...the Shakspeare of industrial rock...the Ceasar of 90s music...and of course, the Conquistador of my computer.

In my opinion, there is no rock artist better endowed with creativity (not to mention good looks) as Trent Reznor (or "the Rez" as some of my friends call him)...well in the talent feild, I might add Kurt Cobain (of Nirvana) or Trent's biggest musical influence, David Bowie.
My life not being that interesting, I decided to make my OWN Reznor shrine.
IN YOUR FACE, you sucky Me-Wannabees *cough EMMA cough* you're just NOT "COOL" ENOUGH so STOP TRYING!!! Just playin'. Yeah. So anyways, I'm putting in a gallery, some of my buddy icons, a bio, lyrics, and I'll try for some music links, in case you've not been well introduced to "The Rez"... gir


Ok, there's not much going on at the moment, since I just got this thing up. And yes, I know there's only lyrics for a few songs on the lyrics page and that there's only a few pics and icons on the gallery page, but hey, I've gotta find the time. Dude, I may not have a life, but I do have SOME stuff to do besides this. Not that there's anyone looking at this page anyways, so I'm not worried about that. So if you wanna piss and moan at me, e-mail me at Have a day...