Saiyuki Volume 6 Chapters 33 to 36 100 Sanzo: Come on, kill me if you can! 101 Hakkai: Is he serious? Sanzo ... Sanzo: Come on. 104 Sanzo: How unfortunate, I have no more bullets to deal with you. 111 Hakkai: Are we alright now? 112 Sanzo: This fool. Hakkai: Sanzo, Goku ... 113 Doku: Kou. Damn it. Look's like the situation is against us. We both can hardly stand. Although I don't wish to admit it, it's not to both our advantages to continue to fight. He had the resolve to beat you, but a loss is a loss. 114 Doku: But I won't forgive you guys for this. 116 Hakkai: Got to get to the village, Sanzo's condition is critical ... let us go Jeep. Gyokumeri Koshu: What's wrong dear? Come in ... 117 GK: Don't be afraid. I'm your mother after all ... Ririn: Mother? 118 Ririn: What are you going to do to me? Hakkai: *pant* My eyes are blurring. Damn, I must have sustained internal injuries. I don't know for how long further I can hold on. Gojyo? Gojyo: Let me take over Hakkia. Go rest. You must have broken a rib or 2 when you crashed into me just now. Hakkai: I'm alright. 120 Gojyo: Let me take over. [I'm pathetic ain't I?] Hakkai: Alright. Sorry to bother you. 121 Yaone: What are you up to? Why did you tie me up? What did you do? Prof Hwan: This is Gyokumeri Koshu's orders. Yaone: What? Prof Hwan: With the prince and his sidekick out of the way, there's only you to deal with. Yaone: What did you do to Miss Ririn? Nii: You're too noisy ... now keep quiet before I stuff something hard into your mouth. 122 Yaone: Dare you and I'll bite it into 2 pieces. Nii: What a pair of beautiful eyes. I'll let them watch a very interesting show ... it's about to unfold no? 123 "Everyone lives and dies for themselves." 127 Demon: What is so great about Sanzo masters? You're just meditating experts. Sanzo: I guess so. Gojyo: It's not like you to be so cruel. Not like your style at all. Sanzo: But then what is my style? Goky: Call me a stupid monkey, bash me silly ... that is like the Sanzo I know. "To become stronger." 128 "You must be strong, Genjou Sanzo." Sanzo: I'm not strong enough. 129 Hakkai: I know. But you're not too bad really. How do you feel now? Sanzo: Like roadkill. Hakkai: You've been unconscious for the last 3 days. Well, you must be feeling better if you have enough energy to curse. 130 Sanzo: It's been 3 days? Hakkai: Let's see. You were poisoned with fatal amounts of poison and insisted on moving. I think it's a miracle you only took 3 days to regain consciousness. If we took longer to get here, I'm afraid it would have cost you your life. Sanzo: How did we get back to the village? Hakkai: Fortunately that lad came looking for us, but for him, we would be dried corpses by now. Sanzo: What about Kougaiji? Hakkai: Dokugakuji carried him away but I think they really hate us now. [I won't forgive you guys for this.] Hakkai: But I can understand his anger. 131 Sanzo: Really? Hakkai: Do you want me to get Goku? He's next door with Gojyo. Did I say something wrong? I never knew I was this stupid. As you told me once, ... 132 Hakkai: "Don't get in my way." Sanzo: No, the stupid one is me. Hakkai: Okay, since you're aware of the truth, behave yourself now and don't create any trouble for us okay? Sanzo: Hey, hey ... your character is deteriorating you know. Hakkai: Don't think so, I am merely telling it as it is. 133 Hakkai: Gojyo and myself couldn't do anything. I remember the fear I felt before an outta control Goku. He asked me to "stop him" but I couldn't do anything. I was angry with myself. But ... 134 Hakkai: ... I've caused Goku to suffer. Gojyo: OUCH!!! That hurts you stupid boy, can't you do it properly? Goku: Stop fussing. It's only a minor wound. Stop moving. Ask Hakkai to bind you ... Gojyo: You caused these wounds so you have to be responsible for them you stupid monkey! Goku: What's the big deal, it's only a minor scratch or two. Gojyo: Minor scratch? 3 broken ribs is a minor scratch??? 135 Gojyo: Hey, be more contrite won't you? You just fell asleep after causing us so much trouble. Goku: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. 136 Gojyo: Are you serious you idiot? You did nothing wrong. Or at least I don't think so. If you hadn't ... Kougaiji would have won. 137 Gojyo: The side issues aren't important. Understand? Goku: But but ... I have no recollection of what happened. I think I really meant to kill then, not just Kougaiji ... but also Gojyo, Hakkai and even ... Sanzo. 138 Goku: So I ... I ... OUCH!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR GOJYO? Gojyo: You underestimate me. I won't be as pathetic as to die by your hands. First, I don't wish to be killed by you and then have you cry over my body. Secondly, open your eyes ... I'm not dead am I? 139 Gojyo: I'm well and kicking. Too bad you didn't manage to kill me :P And if I ever die, it would be because the woman was too good okay* ... I would never die by your hands you idiot! * No guesses as what he is referring to ^ ^;; Goku: That's painful. You perverted river boy!!! Hakkai: Would you mind keeping it down? I can hear you from next door. Goku: Is Sanzo awake? Gojyo: I'll go see him, even if I'm in this state. Don't run you stupid monkey. Goku: Let go of me! 140 Goku: Sanzo must be piping mad with me. I don't have the guts to face him. Gojyo: Weren't you the most worried amongst us as to his condition? Hakkai: Look, Sanzo isn't a petty man, I think. Goku: But ... Hakkai: Go see him Goku. Goku: Ahh ... 141 Goku: Sanzo ... Gojyo: Ahh, the object of our discussion is here. Hakkai: Oh dear, I did ask him to behave and stay in bed. Sanzo: Goku ... Goku: Yes Sanzo? 142 Goku: Are you thirsty? Sanzo: Yeah. Goku: You ... Sanzo: Well ... 144 Sanzo: YOU STUPID MONKEY!!! Goku: Ouch, that hurts! Sanzo: Can you stop being such an idiot!!! How many times have I told you to think before you act!!! Goku: Hakkai, you said Sanzo wasn't a petty person. Hakkai: That's why I added the qualifier "I think". Sanzo: Hmph... 145 Goku: Sigh ... Sanzo: What are you smiling at? Goku: I'm not smiling. Sanzo: The sight of you irks me. Hakkai: Looks like Goku really riled him. Gojyo: He's not honest ... Sanzo is so shy. 146 Gojyo: That was dangerous you stupid monk! I'm going to kill you!!! Boy: Oniichans, I've brought you your medicines. Gojyo: If you behave, you won't be punished so often. And you, you misbehaved monk ... go away monkey. Hakkai: Thank you. Goku: Don't call me monkey you stupid red cockroach. Gojyo: Who are you calling a red cockroach? When did you learn how to use words with more than one syllabus in them? Goku: Cockroach, cockroach!!! Sanzo: Shut up monkey! Gojyo: Shut up slitty eyes. Goku: Ouch!!! Don't pull! Sanzo: You TWO ARE GETTING ON MY NERVES ... you stupid pair!!! Boy: Heh heh ... they really like to horse around don't they? Hakkai: Please don't mind ... this is ... 147 Hakkai: Pretty common. 148 "Oniichan, oniichan, save me ..." Doku: Kou? Am I imagining things? He lost so much blood he is unconscious. 149 Nii: You're back. Oh, it looks like it was an exciting fight. He needs medical attention immediately. Doku: Go away and stop bothering me. 150 Nii: That wasn't nice. I came to help. Doku: Don't touch him. I'm not handing Kou over to a maniac like you. Good day. Nii: Let me tell you, your missy with the medicines ain't around. Doku: What? Prof Hwan: She's out on business on Gyokumeri Koshu's orders. Try looking for her if you don't believe me>. Nii: Oh dear, what to do, what to do ... 151 Nii: Your precious master looks like he can't hold on for long. I may be a maniac but I'm a scientist afterall ... if we leave him, he'll die. Doku: I leave Kou in your hands. 152 Nii: Get a stretcher. Prof Hwan: Okay. Nii: As I said before, "don't let go of your treasures." 153 Kou: Damn ... Nii: Hey hey, you need your rest. 154 Nii: ... My precious experiment. 156 Goku: UGH!!! You're stealing my dumplings and noodles again. Gojyo: Who said so? Your eyes are playing tricks on you you sad little stupid monkey! GOku: You damn river boy! Gojyo: What do you mean I'm eating your food ... not all the food on this table is yours. Goku: But that's no ordinary dumpling ... it was the last dumpling and it was in my bowl! Gojyo: I didn't want to waste good food on you. If you mind it so much, write your name on the dumpling the next time. 157 Goku: See, I said you took my dumpling! Let's take this outside. Gojyo: Are you challenging me to a fight? Don't be crying and regreting this later. Man: What a noisy pair, are they brothers? Man 2: They don't look like brothers to me. Sanzo: I SAID QUIET!!! IF YOU VALUE YOUR MISERABLE LIVES!!! 158 Hakkai: Come come, be good and finish your food. Don't waste any more time. Gojyo: It's all the stupid monkey's fault! Goku: It's Gojyo's fault! Sanzo: THAT'S IT! I'M GOING TO KILL SOMEONE! Man 2: Uhh ... Man: His dressing ... is he a monk? Man 2: Looks like it. Man: Was he shooting a gun? Man 2: I think so. Man: Wahhhhttt??? Hakkai: I'm sorry about my friend's misfiring. Were you hurt? 159 Man: No. Hakkai: That's good. I'm sorry we have disturbed everyone *bows*. Please enjoy your meal. Sanzo: Let's get going. Goku: I haven't had my fill. Hakkai: Let's go else he will kill us. Gojyo: Beer ... Hakkai: Too late *twitch* Hakkai: Do we need any supplies before we go Sanzo? Sanzo: I need cigarettes. I'm totally out. 160 Goku: I want spring rolls! Gojyo: Beer. Sanzo: URUSAI!!! Man: What was that all about? 161 Yaone: Dokugaiji? Doku: Yaone? Yaone: Dokugaiji ... Are you alright? Dokugaiji: They won't let me visit you. How is Ririn? I've been looking for you and Ririn ... what has happened? 162 Yaone: I'm sorry Dokugaiji, I'm sorry. Doku: Yaone? Yaone: Miss Ririn was taken away from me while I was imprisoned by Professor Nii. Doku: Nii did what? Yaone: They said it was Gyokumeri Koshu's orders. I'm not sure what it is exactly about but it's no small matter. I was with her and yet this happened. I'm sorry Dokugaiji. Doku: No, I don't have any rights to criticise you. 163 Yaone: What? Doku: Kou was over his head and I couldn't stop him. Yaone: Where is Kougaiji sama? Doku: He's under Nii's care. I had no choice. He was seriously wounded ... even you couldn't have done much for him. DAMN IT!!! Yaone: Dokugaiji ... don't. 164 Yaone: Kougaiji sama's life is more important than anything else. If you felt it was the best thing to do ... We can only pray he is fine. Let's try to find Miss Ririn. Doku: I suppose that is all we can do for now. Yaone: Yes ... I had enough. 165 Goku: B-O-R-I-N-G! Gojyo: Hey, you'll fall off stupid monkey. Hakkai: It can't be helped. It's too squeezy here. Strange isn't it? It's oddly peaceful and we haven't been disturbed by assassins for days. Gojyo: I agree, we used to see them every now and then and all of the sudden, no one. I kinda miss them. A girl's heart is truly hard to fathom. Sanzo: Can you NOT say something like that? 166 Goku: I wonder how Kougaiji is. Is he fine? Sanzo: He's your enemy ... and you're worrying for him? Goku: But I ... Hakkai: Goku. Kougaiji chose to fight you. You don't have to blame yourself. Gojyo: That fellow won't die so easily. He's resilent like a cockroach. Sanzo: Take it from his fellow cockroach, Kougaiji will be fine. Gojyo: YOu damn fellow. Goku: Yeap. I think so too. 168 Kou: Oka-sama. GK: I knew you were headed here after escaping. Brat, do you have a mother complex? Kou: YOU! UGH! 170 Kou: What did you do to me? GK: Don't be so rude. Didn't we heal you? Kou: Lies. Why is there another voice in my head ... it feels like I'm losing control over my own consciousness ... my memories of Ririn and my mother are ... fading. Nii: Of course. Once we had control of your body, it was easy taking over your mind. My prince. 171 Kou: What? Nii: My heart ached watching you torment yourself so I decided to help you. From now on, don't worry about anything ... just be the puppet you were meant to be. 172 Hakkai: Can't sleep? Gojyo: No, but the stars are too bright. Hakkai: That's true. I think I saw a wishing star. Gojyo: Make a wish then. Hakkai: OK. I wish for world peace and health then. Gojyo: Are you an old man? 173 Gojyo: Bet the monkey there would have wished for all the food in the world. He is sleeping so soundly. Hakkai: Hey don't wake him. Gojyo: Don't worry he's not that easy to awaken. Hakkai: I do envy him. It must be nice to know what you want ... I don't think I could decide easily. Gojyo: Or maybe it's coz you don't need to wish for anything more. 174 Hakkai: I see. 176 Kou: Brain washing? Nii: I reprogrammed your brain but it looks like your proudness is something I didn't count on my prince. Ahh, the resilence of a superior demon. Kou: Don't tell me the demons of this world had lost control of themselves because they were brainwashed? GK: That's right ... it was no accident. We planned it. Kou: Why? GK: It was needed for our plan to succeed. 176 Kou: You're mad. You can't do this. It's too selfish. GK: But your father was such a man and his blood flows in you. You have his eyes my poor boy but ... 177 GK: Although we share the same features, I hate that woman. I hate the way she talked about you. Are you wearing the same earrings? You don't need this ... it irks me! Kou: No! DON'T TOUCH ME! NO! 178 Kou: NOOO!!! 181 Gojyo: This has gotta be a dream. What's going on? How can this be? Why? 182 Gojyo: This unfathomable nightmare ... Demon: Wasn't this what you wished? Gojyo: WHY? Gojyo: How's Jeep? 183 Hakkai: He still looks under the weather. Gojyo: Flu? Hakkai: It's probably the weather and overwork. Gojyo: We better let him rest. Hakkai: We shouldn't move him. Oh Sanzo, I think we will have to stop for 2 to 3 days. Is it alright? Sanzo: OK Even if we went on foot, we couldn't cover much distance. We might as well rest. 184 Hakkai: That's great. Oh well, we better get started. Sorry to bother you Gojyo. Gojyo: What's that? Hakkai: It's supplies. I need to stay and take care of Hakuryu. Gojyo: Let's go monkey boy. Hakkai: You can't bring Goku along. Everytime you go out with him, you buy junk back. 185 Sanzo: Red Ruby brand, "SOFT" please. Gojyo: You blasted monk! Really. Why do I have to do this. I can't pick up any girls carrying so much groceries. Really, who does he think I am? The butler? 186 Man: Look what you did? You bumped into me and dirted my shoes. Compensate me! You are pretty well dressed. You should at least have some big change right? Goyjo: Well, well ... looks like you can't help running into idiots on the road. Hey bud, don't you think you look pathetic? 187 Gojyo: A little boy. If you were a babe, I would like a kiss of gratitude but ... Man: I'll kill you you busybody! Gojyo: I've got to let you know first, "I'm in a very bad mood." 188 Gojyo: Here you go. Kinkaku: Thank you. Gojyo: When you're done with your drink, you better hurry on home. You're dressed so prettily your prime target for such ruffians. Don't tell me you lost your mother? Kinkaku: No, my parents died a long time. Gojyo: Are you alone? Kinkaku: I have a tiwn brother ... we get on very well. Gojyo: That's good. *pat pat* 189 Kinkaku: Oniichan, you were great. You defeated 3 guys. Gojyo: I'm okay I guess. But I'm nothing compared to those guys. Kinkaku: Your friends? Gokjyo: Not really. Just an idiotic monkey, a foul mouthed priest and a man who nags like my mother. I can't pick up any women when I'm with them, and I'm relegated to the position of the dispatch boy. Goku - I'm hungry, I'm hungry ... Sanzo - Don't touch me you blasted river boy! Hakkai - Don't use the dishes as an ashtray again or I'll spank you. 190 Kinkaku: They aren't your friends? Then why do you hang around such awful people? Why? Gojyo: He's just a kid but why do his innocent questions bother me so much? Kinkaku: Do you hate them oniichan? Gojyo: What? Kinkaku: Ginkaku, oniichan is a good man. I agree. We have to help him. 191 Kinkaku: We've got to repay him for his kindness. That way you'll be happy right Ginkaku? Gojyo: Ahh, why did I have to be a busybody. Look at the time. But that was one strange kid, asking so many questions. Hey guys, I've got your stuff. 192 Gojyo: What's going on? 194 Gojyo: Sanzo, Goku! Hakkai? Who exactly are you? What's this all about? Kinkaku: What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted oniichan? [end of volume 6] Disclaimers and such: While I can't claim any copyright in these translations, it would be nice if you asked for permission if you want to put them on your page. As I translated these as best as I could from my Chinese manga, the words may differ from that used in the original Japanese version's. Also, since the grammar structure of Chinese is different from English's, the translations may read a little funny. If you want to amend my phrasing and grammar, go right ahead. I hope there aren't too many mistakes but these things are bound to happen. In any case, enjoy the story. The translations are merely a guide for those who do not read Japanese. Finally, Chinese and Japanese are not similar but in my view, more similar than compared to English. For example, when Sanzo tells Goku he's irritating, in Chinese, the actual words carry some form of parental affection. I have tried my best to translate as closely as I am able to but as you will appreciate, some of the "feeling" will be lost in the translations. One line I'm not translating tho' ... Sanzo's pet phrase "Urusai! Shi ne!!!" which means "shut up ... go and die!" And of course, "sama" which as you may be aware, is the honorific used to denote respect. Please do not use for commercial purposes.