Saiyuki Volume 6 Chapters 30 to 32 7 Even if this life means nothing. 8 It's not about beautiful blooms, it's about them wilting madly. 9 This world is about selfishness anyway ... 11 Nii: Ouch, my back hurts. Wan Roushi: His back should still have scratch marks right? Nii: You're terrific old man. I guess it adds to his manly appeal right? Prof Hwan: This is awful, I don't see what Gyokumeri Koshu sees in this kind of man. Ni: Huh? Well, shall I hug you and let you find out? Or did you want to hug me anyway? 12 Nii: I have a question. For whom ... 13 Nii: ... do you live for? Goku: Poison? Sanzo! Gojyo: Bastard! 14 Gojyo: Don't go too far with this! Hand over the antidote! He's dead. Hakkai: He died from blood lost. The tale of immortality from eating a Sanzo master is only superstition. 15 Gojyo: He's not going to lose control again is he? It's just like when we fought Rikudou. Hakkai: Goku? Goku: Hakkai ... What do we do now? What do we do to save Sanzo? 16 "I want to become stronger." Hakkai: We should be able to do something. Don't worry. He's not one to die so easily. We're now underground. We have to get back to the surface. Gojyo: Yup, I'm sure the town will have an antidote. Goku: But where is the exit? I've not seen one so far. Gojyo: Huh? 17 Goku: What's going on? Gojyo: Sounds like something just smashed. Hakkai: Don't tell me? 18 Hakkai: Well, we're underground ... Gojyo: Yes. Hakkai: And how did we escape the prison? Gojyo: We smashed the pillars in the prison to break out. Hakkai: And what if the pillars were part of this place's integral support system? Gojyo: Then this building won't be able to hold up against the sand. 19 Goku: Why didn't you say so earlier? Hakkai: That's why I tried to stop you guys from smashing the pillar just now. Gojyo: Forget it, don't tell me we can't even escape from this room? There must be a ventilation shaft or something. Hakkai: Oh. I forgot. 20 Gojyo: What are you doing? Hakkai: The scriptures, we mustn't forget the scriptures. Goku: The situation is worsening. Gojyo: The ceiling is going to collapse. Hakkai: Gojyo, hold the scriptures won't you? 22 Goku: Huh? Gojyo: Hakkai! Hakkai: I can only protect us from the falling sand but I can't do anything about the sand piling up around you ... watch your feet! 23 Goku: How? Hakkai, but you'll be buried in the sand. Gojyo: It's getting higher. Hakkai: I never realized flowing sand was so dangerous. Gojyo: Don't Hakkai ... you'll burst your blood vessels if you hold this up. Hakkai: Better than all of us being buried alive here. 24 Hakkai: It's impossible. Gojyo: Damn it! 25 "Red wind?" Goku: It's stopped. 26 Gojyo: Are you alright? Hakkai: I'm alright ... just now ... Kou: It's you guys afterall. Goku: Kougaiji! Kou: What are you doing down there? 27 Goku: Was it you who saved us? Thank you. Kou: Don't be mistaken, I just happened to pass by. Hakkai: Hakuryu ... were you waiting for us? Gojyo: Hakkai!? 28 Gojyo: You idiot, don't push yourself. Hakkai: Sorry. Gojyo: I'm pathetic ain't I? Hakkai: Gojyo? Goku: Sanzo's poisoned ... it's very serious. Kou: What? Goku: Is the big sister who is good at medicine around? 29 Doku: Yaone is not here. Did you meet demons in the desert palace? Gojyo: Yeap, but she's dead. Are you looking for the scriptures? Sorry to disappoint you. You'll have to dig it out of this mess. Kou: Damn, what a mess. I'm taken off the task force dealing with Sanzo and gang and still I meet them. And the scriptures are lost in the sand ... No ... that's not right. 30 Kou: There's another set of scriptures here. Hakkai: What's wrong Goku? Goku: I'm going to carry Sanzo. Gojyo: You stupid monkey, how far can you carry him in this condition? Goku: It can't be helped. Hurry, we can't use Jeep now but ... 31 Goku: I can't let Sanzo die!!! "Most important thing to you." Kou: Don't neglect what is most important to you. Right ... I know. 32 Kou: This is a point of no return for me. Goku, wait. We have a flying dragon there. You can ride him to the next town. I can lend it to you. 33 Kou: But only if you are able to kill me. If I win, give me Sanzo's scriptures. If you win, I will give you the dragon. Let's fight! 34 Goku: Kougaiji? Nii: Everyone says they do it for a certain someone, but the truth is we all live and die for ourselves. 37 Jiroushin: How things have changed. Goku that boy was just a little monkey 500 years ago ... Kanzeon: That's the fun thing about animals. I hate things which are unchanging ... they bore me. Jiroushin: Those words ... I believe a certain someone had made the same remarks. 38 Kou: Let us fight! 39 Goku: Kougaiji? 40 Hakkai: Duck Goku! 41 Goku: Kougaiji? 42 Kou: Why are you hesitating? Don't be mistaken. I'm your ENEMY! 43 Kou: If you won't fight, I'll defeat you and take your scriptures. 44 Goku: Don't touch Sanzo! 46 Goku: Sanzo! Hakkai: Goku. I'll take care of Sanzo, concentrate on the fight. Kougaiji is serious. I believe he has an important task. 47 "You should understand ... the feeling of not wanting to lose what is dear to you!" Doku: Kou. Do you think this is appropriate? 48 Kou: I don't want to live in regret. Doku: In that case, I won't stop you. 49 Doku: Watch out! 50 Gojyo: Hey, you're not paying attention ... this will not do ... unless you're scared. Doku: No objections to me being your opponent Gojyo? Gojyo: That's perfect Dokugakuji. 51 Gojyo: Don't be shy about it, take this! Doku: Kougaiji sama, I'll take care of this end. Go! 52 Goku: Hakkai ... Hakkai: Yes? 53 Goku: You'll stop me right? Hakkai: Don't tell me ... Goku: I can't defeat him in this state. But I can't afford to lose this fight. 54 Goku: Sorry to trouble you. 55 Goku: He let me out of that darkness. He brought me into a world brighter than the sun. I know, I remember ... This feeling, I've known it from a long time ago. "I will not lose him!" Kou: Goku, where? 56 "Son Goku?" 59 "I don't want to lose it all." 60 Kou: This is his original form? Son Goku? 64 Gojyo: What was that? It was like a flash ... I couldn't make it out! Hakkai: Too fast ... It's like when we were fighting Rikudou ... no he's more powerful than then. 65 Kou: Damn it, I can't beat him by brute force. 66 Kou: What? It had no effect on him? 68 Goku: Kou. 71 Gojyo: That boy is a different person altogether now ... He's enjoying it. 72 Hakkai: Sanzo, what would you do? Seeing Goku in that state? Doku: Damn it! 73 Doku: KOU! 74 Doku: I can't defeat him ... no one can defeat him ... 77 Gojyo: He's no push over ... this is no joke. Hakkai: But the problem is just beginning ... 78 Gojyo: Because we have to subdue him? Hey, don't do anything stupid Goku ... Alright ... come on then monkey ... 80 Gojyo: Again? Hey, hey ... don't bite everything you see. 84 Gojyo: Don't gloat. 86 Hakkai: Isn't it about time you cut it out Goku? Sanzo has been poisoned for 30 minutes already ... he can't take anymore. If you continue messing around ... 87 Hakkai: The one who will be hurt is you! He's not listening to reason anymore ... he can't hear us. 88 Hakkai: Goku! I can see his moves but I can barely dodge them. Hakkai: Gojyo! Get his controller ... damn it! 92 Hakkai: Gojyo! Goku: Forget it, you can't stop me! 93 Doku: What's wrong with him? Hakkai: Dokugakuji ... Doku: He's not a demon, he's a monster ... Hakkai: Yes, but he's Goku! 95 Hakkai: Goku ... 97 Sanzo: Don't be too cocky you moronic monkey. Hakkai: Sanzo? But ... He shouldn't be able to move in his condition, and ... 98 Hakkai: He's only causing the poison to spread faster! Sanzo: Come on, kill me if you can! [to be continued] Disclaimers and such: While I can't claim any copyright in these translations, it would be nice if you asked for permission if you want to put them on your page. As I translated these as best as I could from my Chinese manga, the words may differ from that used in the original Japanese version's. Also, since the grammar structure of Chinese is different from English's, the translations may read a little funny. If you want to amend my phrasing and grammar, go right ahead. I hope there aren't too many mistakes but these things are bound to happen. In any case, enjoy the story. The translations are merely a guide for those who do not read Japanese. Finally, Chinese and Japanese are not similar but in my view, more similar than compared to English. For example, when Sanzo tells Goku he's irritating, in Chinese, the actual words carry some form of parental affection. I have tried my best to translate as closely as I am able to but as you will appreciate, some of the "feeling" will be lost in the translations. One line I'm not translating tho' ... Sanzo's pet phrase "Urusai! Shi ne!!!" which means "shut up ... go and die!" And of course, "sama" which as you may be aware, is the honorific used to denote respect. Please do not use for commercial purposes.