Use of Drako's Playground is subject to the following rules:
- All submissions and activites on Drako's Playground must always be General or Mature in rating. Therefore everything on Drako's Playground must always be PG-13 in rating and safe to be viewed by users under the age of 18 and users viewing Drako's Playground at work.
- All submissions to Drako's Playground must abide by a simple by you/of you/for you clause. You may submit something created by you, granting you the full copyright of said submission, and all rights that come with it. You may submit something that is of you, granted the original creator of the work has allowed you to submit the item and is properly credited for the work. You may also submit something made for you, again only if the original creator has authorized you to submit the item, and is again properly credited. Any submissions that are requested to be removed by the original creator will be respected and the submission will be removed. In regards to copyrights, the original creator holds the full copyright of the item and the rights that come with it.
- Our gallery system has a field called "Source". If you are not the original artist, we insist that you link to the original artist or the original artwork in this field. If you fail to do so, and the original artist submits a complaint about you posting it here to Drako's Playground, then we will be forced to remove your submission. Multiple complaints may lead to a ban from our galleries.
- Please properly tag all submissions. Art belongs in our "Art" gallery. Photos belong in our "Photos" gallery. When uploading, please ensure that you tag the submission with proper keywords (for instance, if the picture has diapers, then use the keyword "diapers"). Also please ensure you rate the submissions properly. Anything that is Clean (PG-13) should be Rated as "Safe". Mature pictures (partial nudity with no signs of arousal) should be Rated as "Questionable". All pictures of anything with nudity, sexual arousal, or any sexual acts are strictly prohibited on Drako's Playground. Those submissions must only be submitted to Drako's Den by users of legal adult age.
- All users of the site should be respected, regardless of their views and or opinions. Do not engage in any hateful activities including, but not limited to: Harassment, Slander, Disruption, Hate Speech, and anything with any level of criminal intent.
- All activities on this site must attain to all legal guidelines within the USA. Any action or submission that violates any said laws will be dealt with accordingly. We will ban users and report them to the necessary authorities if at all necessary. Copyright laws must also be respected.
- In response to a bill called FOSTA/SESTA - which prohibits any website from allowing users to post anything related to sex work and/or trafficking - we have added the following Rules:
- Our Community Rules Strictly PROHIBIT using our site for anything illegal, therefore due to FOSTA - it is against our Community Rules to post ANYTHING that could even be seen as a "Personals" type of posting.
- Therefore, it is against our Community Rules for users to make any public posts or have any discussions that entail meeting with anyone else for any sort of fun or play.
- We also discourage users from having any public discussions on our site that entail meeting anyone else for any reason - even if just for a cup of coffee.
- Drako's Playground cannot - and must not - be used for Personal Ads.
- We wish to grant our users full freedom of expression, but we are also limited to the terms and conditions of the server networks that host this site. Please ensure that your activities on this site do no violate the terms of the servers used for the part of the site those activities are on. (We use multiple servers in attempt to allow a much more laid back environment, especially in the cases of areas with Adult Content. What's allowed on one part of the site may not be allowed on another.) For example: No Adult Content is allowed anywhere on Drako's Playground, since we may be using a host that prohibits adult content on their servers. However, In the case of our Adult Gallery, "Loilicon" (Loili style art, or any art/image of underage characters) is prohibited by the server.
- The DWS Team-the webmaster panel that maintains this website-is NOT responsible for any content within this website or any actions or submissions by ANY users on this website. This website is a by the users, for the users website, and contains many different ideas, concepts and views. The users of this website are fully responsible for their submissions and conduct while using this website. Site users are also liable for all willing actions on this website, including the willing action to view or participate in possible objectionable behavior in the eyes of other users. Complaints may be sent to the DWS Team for site moderation, to ensure that all laws and rules are enforced.
- Drako's Playground may not contain any adult rated material that is NOT suitable for anyone under the age of 18. Users viewing such content agree that they are at least 18 years of age or older AND mature enough to view said content. The DWS Team can not be held liable for under aged users' viewing or participating in areas of adult content. We encourage parents and guardians to be familiar with the websites their children use and monitor their child's web usage regularly.
- We have 2 versions of our community, Drako's Den and Drako's Playground:
- Only users Over the age of 18 (21 in some areas) are allowed to access Drako's Den and gain access to all the Adult Areas of the website. This is determined by the DOB entry on our "Gateway" Page, which should be the first page you see when first accessing the site.
- Users under the age of 18 will be taken to Drako's Playground, and only have access to the General Areas of the site, General Forums and General Chat that are separate from the Adult Forums and Chat. (Which means we must assume all users on those forums and chats are all under 18)
- Users must be at least 13 years of age before submitting any information to this website. Anyone under the age of 13 cannot submit anything to this website without the express, written permission by the parent/guardian.
- Sending of flame posts and/or SPAM of any kind is against the TOS of Drako's Website Services, and against many laws. Engaging in these, and similar, activities will lead to a permanent ban.
We are a laid back group of webmasters. It will take us a lot to ban someone. However, once a member is banned from any part of the website, the ban is permanent. We will not lift any bans ever.
In regards to submissions. Users who submit content to Drako's Playground grant The DWS Team the non-exclusive rights to transmit, re-size, store, display, publish or alter any submission media within the boundaries of the site's servers. Submissions may not be submitted with intent to maliciously target, harass or cause harm to another individual. All sources (inspirations, sampling, references, copyright) must be cited, properly credited and documented within the submission's description. Failure to do so may result in removal of the submission with or without notice. The only exception for this rule is if the server hosting the submission does not provide, or allow, our users to edit or create a description of the submission.
For content owners: If anyone submits anything to this website that you have created, or own the copyright to, you may inform the DWS Team. We will then provide the option to you to edit the description (if available) to state that you own the copyright of the submission (and/or are the submissions original creator), or the option to delete the submission. We grant you this option in respect of your rights as the original creator of the submission and/or the copyright holder. If a description is not available, and you do not mind the submission being on Drako's Playground, we will then take the submission and edit it directly to cite you as the copyright holder and/or the original creator of said submission.
Note: If you have already "Watermarked" your image with your Artist Signature, we see no reason for the submission to be removed unless it is watermarked "Do Not Distribute." (Note: We may remove DND submissions if the username does NOT match the name on the submission.) For images with the watermark, we can add a link to the original Artist's site or watermark the URL into the image as well.
In regards to legal action: The DWS Team has no legal team, and no funding to take any level of legal actions. We would be incapable of defending the actions of any user of our services, and thus we will not do it. This is why we cannot be held liable for the actions of any of the users on Drako's Playground. If necessary, we will be able to report users of any-and all-legal violations to the proper authorities, and let the authorities handle it from there. We encourage that users send requests to us in regards to taking content they own off our site (or modifying it as stated in the terms above) or in regards to forwarding the complaint to the proper authorities. We do not track log ins, or have any of this information on file. So when requested, we will do everything in our power to help you, in hopes that there will be no charges pressed against Drako's Playground or any of the DWS Staff in regards to content on the website.
We follow a "3 strikes" rule. Our 3 strikes rules on taking corrective action is as follows:
- 1st offense in one area of the site = private warning.
- 2nd offense in one area of the site = public warning.
- 3rd offense in one area of the site = banned from that area of the site.
- If the offense moves to other areas of the site, you will be banned from the entire site.