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Welcome to Dr Andy Roth's

Fred's Team Web Site


My Training Log

About Me

Fred's Team

Information on Pediatric Cancers and Treatment

The Aubrey Fund/ Read Aubrey Barr's Inspiring Story

I’m running the New York City Marathon this year with Fred’s Team, to support the Aubrey Fund for Pediatric Cancer Research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. I have completed four marathons in the last ten years.

I have been a psychiatrist at Memorial for 13 years. My commitment to working with people with cancer and their families grew out of having experienced the death of my parents from cancer. I know the physical and emotional toll that this disease can take on a person and a family. I can imagine no greater challenge than that faced by a parent whose child has cancer. At Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, doctors and researchers are working on clinical trials that have the potential to increase the survival rates of children with cancer. In recent years, the overall survival rate of children with cancer has increased from 55% to 70%. We can help them do more.

Please support me as a Fred’s Team Member by making a donation to my effort. All money raised here will go to support pediatric cancer research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center .

Thank you!