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Ocean Star

Episode 1

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Trent is not enthused about going to a new school and being in a new environment. He is told about the Ocean Star by a crazed man on the beach (Clive) searching for it, so while having to stay there for a year he plans to find the Ocean Star. He also plans revenge on Gemma and her friends for spraying him with a water pistol.
Karla and her father search for her lost bracelet which is was given by her mother. Trent finds it but Cliff takes it from him, because he won't return the wooden object that he stole off him.
Gemma and her friends find an endangered injured turtle on the beach and plan to help it get better.

FIRST AIRED: 10th February 2003


It started off pretty slow but ended up getting better.
I am intrigued to actually see the Ocean Star in the end. Straight away we get a sense of what the characters are really like.
My favourite bit would have to be when Jared dances for a second, and the worst bit would probably be that Cliff wants the Ocean Star for himself yet he reveals everything to Trent after trying to keep it a secret.  
I also think if there was going to be a romance it would be between Trent and Gemma.

RATING: **** / *****

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