Marking Grid Outline (Rubric) History Assessment Task
                    Exposition / Essay Question: Using all of the available evidence, 
                                      explain how and why Tollund Man was killed.










 -Your introduction clearly answers both parts of the question.
 -Also you list all the different sources of evidence, which support your view or argument.

 -Your introduction clearly answers both parts of the question.
 -And you list some of the different sources of evidence that support your view or argument.

-Your introduction answers both parts of the question.

 -But you don’t outline the different sources of evidence.

-Your introduction answers one part of the question

 -But you don’t outline the different sources of evidence.

Topic Sentences

 -Your first sentence in each paragraph, uses words from the question, to link back to the set question.
 -You also link your paragraphs together:  

-Your first sentence in each paragraph, uses words from the question, to link back to the set question.

-One or two of your paragraphs use words from the question, to link back to the set question.

-Your first sentence in each paragraph, says something about Tollund Man in general terms.

Supporting Evidence

-In all of your paragraphs you quote from, or you refer to evidence from a source, to back up the point you are making. 
-And you use all of the sources in your essay.

 -In some of your paragraphs, you quote evidence from a source, or you refer to a source to back up your argument.

 -In some of your paragraphs, you refer to the sources in general terms, in a discussion about Tollund Man’s death.

-You only briefly mention the sources in general terms in your essay.




-At the end of each of your paragraphs, you have a sentence that links your point back to the question.  -For example: Therefore… OR : This shows then how…(link back to question)

-At the end of some of your paragraphs, you have a sentence that links your point back to the question.  
-For example: This shows then how
(link to Ques.)

-You have one or two sentences somewhere in your essay, that link back to the set question. (Using words from the question)

-You don’t have any argument sentences in your paragraphs, to link back to the set question. Just a general discussion.




 -You restate your answer (argument) to both parts of the set question.   
-And you re-list all the sources that support your answer.

-You briefly restate your answer to both parts of the set question.   
-And you mention some of the sources that support your answer.

-You briefly restate your answer to one part of the set question.  
-And you mention some of the sources.

-You make a general statement about Tollund man and mention one or two sources in general terms

Name:  ______________________________         Class:  _____________________

  Tollund Man Essay                                           Mark:    /20

  Excellent 4

      High 3

    Satisfactory 2

    Developing 1







Topic Sentences






Supporting Evidence


















