
How to put an interesting coloured background on your web page.

If  you’d like, you can give your new web page a coloured/textured background.

This is easy to do:

- First go up to File/edit with Microsoft FrontPage’ then
Just right click any open space on your page and select Page Properties in
the pop out window. Then select

(Or 'Background', if you have the older version of FrontPage.)
For a plain colour:
Under 'Colors' , scroll down
q and pick a basic plain colour, or click 'more colours', to get a pale colour like this page.

For an interesting textured or 'picture' background:
       First find a background picture you like. 
               Copy and paste that picture file, into the folder where you are putting all your web page pictures or files. 
               I have put a selection of background pictures on the page called 'Handy Backgrounds' .
              (To find a new one, in Google image search, type the word background and anything you like! 
                                                                                                   eg sand, clouds, parchment etc.)
Then, on the Formatting window (found by right clicking your page and selecting Page Properties...)
  tick 'background picture' and 'Browse' to find your background picture, which will now be in your web page folder.

Click Save.

Many sites on the w.w.w. can provide free interesting textured and coloured backgrounds you can use. For example: