

First make sure you have got the tool you need.
Go up to view on the menu bar at the top of your page, click View, and select Toolbars.
Tick the box next to ‘Common’. (While there, check that ‘Tables’ and ‘Pictures’ are also picked)

You can just type on a new web page, and then click one of the following buttons,
to put your text in the middle of your page:


(These are the Formatting tools you got from Toolbars when you pulled down View from the top of your screen.)

If you right click anywhere in your table, and select Table Properties. Look at what you can do:

You can select ‘Alignment’ to put your table in the left or middle or right of your page.
Or select ‘Specify width’ to make your table as wide across the page (100%) or as narrow as you want.
With ‘Cell padding’ you can put a space around the edge of your table so that your writing won’t touch the edge of your table.
With Borders, if you select a size of 0, your border will be invisible, or you can have a border of any size and give it a different colour.

Click the first one of these to put your text or picture at the top of your table.

If you very slowly move your cursor over the right edge or bottom of your table, when you get the double-headed arrow, you can manually change the size of your table. Try it. Click and drag the edges.

If you put your cursor over the top of your table you will get a black arrow and it will capture your whole table so you can delete or cut and paste it where you want.


Later, if you want to have lots of different sized pictures or different bocks of text on your page, you can put smaller new tables inside the cells or squares of your original table.

see small example below:

You can also right mouse click the table and select ‘Table properties’ or ‘Cell properties’ and select ‘background’. You can then give the table or in individual cell a different coloured background or select picture and use a picture of a piece of paper or canvas.

This is good to do if you have a busy or multi-coloured page background that would make your writing hard to read when you put text into your table.

 To find an image like this, Google image search ‘paper background’ or ‘parchment’.