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[ ? ] My sorry, sorry life
The Most Important, Interesting things you will ever hear

? Wednesday, Sep 3th

Dinner conversation:

Baetti might dress like a school teacher, but it's better than a homeless person like me.

Erica has a bathroom problem, probably due to that manicotti i just ate that made us all really gassy and doing the double flush thing. I'm telling you, there is nothing more disgusting than a girls's bathroom, especially ours....

? Sunday, September 7rd

Yes, i have so much to do, so why am I still on the internet???? Thought of the day: Don't be another statistic, at all cost. And if you consider suicide as an option to avoid this problem, that is the dumbest thing I ever heard because you will once again become a statistic. Sometimes there is just NO WAY OUT!!!

Gianna is right. Us art students are strange. It's stuff like that, that make us geniouses! Geniouses that can't spell.