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If you would like to adopt one of these cuties.
Please email me, tell me which one your interested in.
As you can see I don't have a big selection yet.
Give me your name, email address & web address.
You must have a web site that's more than one page & not just links, it must be "G" rated.
You must have the "No Right Click Script" On the page the adoption will reside.
Also the tool bar disable code.
meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no"
You also must link them back to my site.
I would appreciate it if you would sign my guestbook.
Which you will find on my entry page:

Hi5 From The Heart.

Hi my name is "Kookie".



Kookie is my very 1st graphic,
if you would like to adopt Kookie,
just place your cursor over the one you want
& a number will show.
Make sure you tell me the number you would like.

Hi My name is: "Sugar Bear"


Hello, I'm "Mother-In-Law Marge"


Hi, I'm "Marge"

Hi My name is: "Luv Bunny"


Hello there, My name is:"Melly Mouse"


Hi there, my name is "Rainbo Sprite"



Hey there...My name is "Lurky"

RUF...RUF...My name is "Puppy Brite"

Click here...if you would like to:

Adopt a Mug

Adoption friends purchased from Tami at:
Whimsy Attic

"Ginger" dolls purchased from Melly at:
Whispy Hollow Graphics

Hi5 From The Heart

Tall Tails

Ginger Dolls For Adoption
Net Ring

owned by
Tall Tails Adopt Shop.
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