Past Opinion Articles

Article for the week of 2/10/08


Horrorpops- Kiss Kiss Kill Kill
By, Cozmic

The Danish psychobilly group the Horrorpops is a good example of what happens when you take a group of talented musicians and let them run amok with, as the name implies, gothic and horror-inspired imagery.
Kiss Kiss Kill Kill, “twelve tales of live and murder” is the now Los Angeles-based group's third album, heavily inspired by movies, something that is made readily apparent by the artwork, which includes a nice “Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman” picture starring singer and bassplayer (and all around hot woman) Patricia Day, and the opening song Thelma and Louise, a catchy tune that, while it doesn't exactly rip the face off the person listening, works as an opener, with it's cool bass lines, nice vocals and general catchiness.
The second track, MissFit is a total upbeat joyfest about just not fitting in, and once the tribute to Madness kicks in ever so randomly, it's nearly impossible not to smile.
Boot2Boot is what three-piece punk becomes when you play it on a upright bass, guitars and drums, and jammed full of energy and if that doesn't sell you on it, nothing ever will. Possibly one of my favourite tracks on the entire album.
Heading for the Disco is one of those poptunes that simply won't leave your head after a while, but manages to do it in a way that isn't unpleasant, and while not the best track on the album, it does contain a lot of fun lines.
The title track, Kiss Kiss Kill Kill, feels like it was written somewhere in the 80's, and the bass takes a small sidestep for Kim Nekroman's skilled old-school guitar work and Niedermeier's drums, coupled with Patricia's fantastic vocals.
Being weak for easy and yet catchy and fantastic bass-lines, “Everything's Everything” had an almost instant place in my heart, and is at once an upbeat and feel-good song while there's still a hint of sadness to it. Easily another favourite, in other words.
“Hitchcock Starlet” does a total about-face, with long drawn out words and manages to maintain the old-school theme prevalent through the entire album, while “Highway 55” then follows up doing its own thing, only to be followed by the aptly named surf-rock instrumental of HorrorBeach Pt. II, where you can feel both the surf and the horror part of the title instantaneously.
Similar to Thelma and Louise in its approach, but even more upbeat than MissFit, Copenhagen Refugee has one of those choruses that almost makes me want to go to Denmark just so I can leave and sing it properly.
And finally, Keep My Picture and Private Hall of shame round off what, in case you haven't noticed, is an excellent album. It never really deviates from being coherent, despite having such a vastly different sound for each song, and every song feels beyond excellent in a fun, old-school new wave sort of way.
All in all, Kiss Kiss Kill Kill is a great way to just inject some pure fun and class into your record-collection, one of those bands that sounds absolutely classic without being well-known. One of those fun records that might not be the deepest, but has some of the most fun melodies you've heard, while still feeling happy. Well, and it has that total piece of punk-awesome that is Boot2Boot.

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