Past Entertainment Articles.

Article for the week of 11/30/06

A True Christmas Classic

By, Puns McKenna

And all along the river not a creature was stirring... Except there is quite a stir along the river this Christmas eve. What am I referring to? Emmet Otter's Jug-band Christmas.

Emmet Otter and his friends want to form a Jug-Band so they can perform in the Christmas Eve talent contest. Only one problem. Emmett has to put a hole in his ma's wash tub....

Emmet and his Ma are just a poor family of Otters that live in Frogtown Hollow. Trying to scrabble by on what they have and making ends meet by washing laundry and doing odd jobs. When the Christmas Eve talent competition comes up, Emmet decides to enter so he can get his Ma a piano. Ma decides to compete, hocking the tool chest Emmet uses for his odd jobs, so she can get him a guitar with mother of pearl inlays.

Everything looks good for them as they go into the competition. Then, one final entrant into the event comes on stage. The rocking trouble makers from River Bottom. The River Bottom boys are mean, lean and just itching to prove that they're cool.

Everyone loves the puppets from Jim Henson's creature shop. Add to that the musical talents of Paul Williams, and you have a musical Muppet masterpiece. Everything from the heart warming folk song, to eclectic rock. This movie will draw you in and keep you hooked.

So come join Emmet, Ma, Wendel, Charlie, Harvey, and the rest of Frogtown Hollow in celebrating the Christmas spirit. And find that place where the Mountain touches the valley.

 Really Pathetic Productions 2005 ©