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Well, well...........

It's simon here, and welcome to meh sexeh lurrve shack. First of all some rules:

1. This is meant to be funny, so if you dont laugh, I will kill you.
2. Dont take any thing too seriously, its all in the name of a laugh.
3. If your picture is here, and I didnt ask your permission, then cry, coz I dont care.

As some of you know, im off to America for two weeks from the 12th of July, so dont expect any updates for a while.
Oh, and as your just about to find out, none of the links in the menu of lurrrve work except for the 'Other Sexeh Webbys' section, which I recommend you to try.
By the way, just in case any of you actually care, I built this site in 5 hours using only notepad :)

©2003 by Simon McMahon
Lurrrve Shacks permission is required to use any text or images from this site.

If you found this, then you also found the ghey advert below it, dont click it, as it is ghey.