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Wednesday, May 05, 2004


and i still got 2 more to go...

omg i hope it will be okay... LATERZ

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

this is the retraction of my last entry... i here apologize to those who took offence by what was written... the truth is...






it was all just a joke the whole thing(except the very bottom line that is, it was our anniversary)...






all you, who know me you should of known that it was not true, and those who dont trust me it was not true...







thank you for reading this retraction.... and again i am sorry...




tommorow is the AP test for Calculus and i am taking the BC one



Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Today, I Got Laid!!!!!!!!














Happy Two Year Anniversary Honnie, I Love You

Sunday, February 22, 2004

hi everyone

i know its been a while since i last wrote... anywasys i have a three day weekend... on friday i had church and that was great as always... then on saterday i had some things in the morning and then i went to cheesecake family with my gurl, and her fam, for her sis birthday.  i had so much fun... i wish i never had to leave... anyways today i was stuck at home doing work and tomorrow looks more like the same...

there is only like a few more months till grad. and i dont know what to do... anyways i want to do something but i dont know what to do... any ideas leave a comment or you can just leave one anyways...

everyone laters...

to my babie: i love you and i miss you; i hope to see you soon. love you bye

Sunday, January 04, 2004

hey you all

its been about a month since my last entry and i has been a great time for me. ihave been spending plenty time with my gurl <who i love so much>. i have finished one more semester of high school, and there is only one left before th end and i graduate and close a chapter to a very large part of my life.  parts of me dont want highschool to never end and the oter is looking forward to the rest of it all. break as a whole has been great i went to maui for christmas spent time with family and then came home and spent time with my babie.

these are some shoutoutz:

my babie: i love you, and miss you (there is nothing else i need to say)

courtney: omg, there is only 5 months left in high school and i will be all over

lynn: this past year you have been there for me thanx

chels: thanx for everything youve been the great

everyone else: thanks for the great years and i hope you all had a great one, be blessed and stay well


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working on it